These 3 Excuses Hold You Back

IDontHaveTimeOver the years I have discovered that excuses play a major role in why we often don’t make necessary changes in our lives.

These excuses stop us from moving forward, from taking more time for ourself, from investing in our well-being and ultimately the achievement of our dreams. They keep us playing small, and prevent us from becoming the most authentic and fullest version of ourselves.

These excuses keep us stuck in habits, patterns and loops that repeat over and over again. Our life eventually goes on autopilot.

Change isn’t easy. Sometimes it feels easier to stay on autopilot or in a comfort zone.

I know this personally. I also fell into this trap. Excuse after excuse. Story after story. For years, I prolonged the necessary changes in my life. Experiences had to become intense for me before I started to drop my excuses and take the required action steps to change my life for the better.

The funny thing is, my excuses and stories really masked the real reason why I didn’t want to change.

I was scared. I was terrified to change.

To progress. I didn’t know what was on the other side of change. I was accustomed to my life. The way things were. How I operated. And even though I wasn’t happy functioning this way, the risk to change was greater than the reward.

I was in fear and I convinced myself that I wasn’t ready. I actually believed my excuses.  I gave my power away to those excuses. It was only until after the fact that I recognized that my excuses were masking my fear and paralyzing me from moving forward.

Looking back I often used only a few excuses to hide my fear. And I often hear those THREE infamous excuses coming out of other people’s mouths over and over again.

What are they? Continue reading