Eating These 3 ‘Fatty’ Foods Can Make You Thinner

Do you shun fatty foods because you fear eating fat will make you fat? If so, it’s time to re-evaluate your view on food with fat, as many of them are great for your health and can actually help you lose weight! In addition, many fatty foods offer a powerful boost to the brain, which is about 60% fat and needs constant replenishment to work well. Not surprisingly, each of these foods is naturally occurring and has been either very minimally processed or not processed at all.

Have a look at these 3 fatty foods that can actually help you lose weight.

1. Coconut Oil

CoconutOilThis oil is nature’s richest source of medium-chain fatty acids that lead to weight loss. Most plant-based fats are made up of long chain  fatty acids, which are typically stored in the body as fat. On the other hand, medium chain triglycerides are transported directly to the liver to promote thermogenesis (the production of heat), which increases body metabolism and spurs weight loss.

Coconut oil is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Scientists at the University of Nebraska have found that mice fed a diet rich in coconut oil were more trim and fit than mice fed a diet high in soybean oil due to coconut oil’s level of CLA.

What’s more, the fatty acids in coconut oil are turned into ketones, which can supply energy for the brain. Researchers are now studying ketones as an alternative energy source for malfunctioning cells that lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s. Continue reading

How To Make Butter Coffee For Focus

“Combining [butter and coffee] holds a nice surprise. The butter prevents a quick caffeine spike and extends the energy boost. It can prevent the “acid” feel in the stomach, help with focus, prevent jitters and also precludes the desire for more and more cups of coffee during the day. There is not oily or greasy film in it – the blending process turns it into a creamy consistency.” ~H. Callaghan

ButterCoffeeIf a type of whole food is considered “evil,” chances are, popular opinion will reverse – just give it time. I don’t believe there are “perfect” or “evil” foods or diets. Ingredients, process and agricultural practices are a different story.

Therefore, it should be no surprise that research is turning ideas on both coffee and butter. Again, process matters. The point is not to feel guilty about your morning routine – or what you choose to consume.

If you want to have a decadent, yet energizing kick to your morning, this simple change might be it. Hint: it’s not what you think – it’s similar to a latte, but better.

A lot of us have experienced the “focus-factor” of butter. It can help with sugar cravings and vitamin utilization as well. Butter from grassfed cows is simply divine for its taste, texture and…fat! Not the weight-gaining or “artery clogging” variety.

Likewise, coffee is now heavily researched for its benefits. Yet, like butter, the processing should be watched. It also gives many people a “crash” and the jitters.

Combining the two holds a nice surprise. The butter prevents a quick caffeine spike and extends the energy boost. It can prevent the “acid” feel in the stomach, help with focus, prevent jitters and also precludes the desire for more and more cups of coffee during the day. There is not oily or greasy film in it – the blending process turns it into a creamy consistency.

Butter Coffee

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Whole Wheat German Pancake With Apples

ReadyNutrition  September 4 2013

AppleWhat a breakfast to wake up to in the morning! Your family will sing praises to you when you serve them this delicious puffy German pancake.

The batter can be made the night before to make for a fast cook time. As well, play around with the flavors and spices too.

Bon Appetit!

Whole Wheat German Pancake with Apples

Adapted from Whole Foods


2 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
2 apples, cored and thinly sliced
2 teaspoons powdered sugar (optional) Continue reading

The Name on the Envelope

HEAVEN #3991 | Heaven Letters
October 29, 2011

God said:

I place Myself on the altar of your love. You are the offering you give to Me. What else do you have to give Me but yourself? And what other offering is worth your love? I accept your love, and I spin your love out to the Universe like a million stars. Love is a bouncing ball. Love throws itself, and love catches itself. Love is the only game in town. Love bounces, and love revolves, and love is the making and the meaning of you.

You have an endless love quotient. Be the love you are. Practice it. Remember it. Remember it at every moment. Sometimes you forget. Remember love now, and never forget it.

Foremost, you are a giver of love. Love is the wheat you separate from the chaff. Anything that is not love is dispensable. Love itself is indispensable. Just the same, all love is to be given away. It cannot be kept. Hoarding love doesn’t work. Giving love works although you are not looking for results. The trick is that you give flawlessly. To give love with expectation of return is love flawed. There are no claims to the love you give. And there are no disclaimers.

When you give love, you have to let go of it. When you hold on to love, you haven’t given it. You are holding it above someone’s head the way you might hold a pendulum.

Love is not to have hesitation go along with it. You give love or you don’t. Half-giving love is not giving. Love is not meant to be a dog on a leash. Laws in the world may govern that you must keep your dog on a leash. Laws in the world are not to govern love. Concepts in the world are not to govern love. Love is its own governor. Give your love right and left. Strew your love like seeds. Love is a seed that always bears fruit, yet you are not to think of the fruit. Let love seed itself of its own accord.

Do not consider love a gamble. Love is a given. Love is an outpouring of what I gave to you to give. I stir your hearts like soup. Once stirred, you realize that you are in a soup kitchen, and you serve the love that I have stirred on behalf of all. The love I gave to you simply isn’t your personal love to pick and choose from, to keep some, give away some, decide to whom or when. No, all is My love. My love is like an envelope I have given to you. The name on the envelope is Everyone. The date stamp on the envelop is Today.

All the love in the world is to be given away today. What a rumble in the world that will make. No love is to be saved for later. No love is to be put aside for a rainy day. All love is to gather around the Maypole of life. All love is communal. You can’t give love to one and not another. You give love as a package. All love to all. And then pass it around again.

Consider love butter. You are not stingy with it. You slather that butter on the bread. There is no holding back. There is no saving the butter for later. There is only spreading it. And then what a treat it is to savor that delicious butter. Then you can lick the butter knife, and you, who has given My love away, you become fully the essence of My love. There are no little acts.

All acts are a giving of love, and giving love is a great thing, and so, as you share the butter of love, life is lived on Earth as it is meant to be lived.

Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  * What message was yours today? *

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