The Tables Turn on Pelosi and the Media

buzzfeedClarice Feldman – Saturday was National Popcorn Day, but I’ve been nibbling on popcorn all week as Nancy Pelosi learned a lesson about presidential power and the media was gut checked by the special prosecutor. I haven’t had this much fun since election night 2016.

While she might have thought otherwise, the power of the commander-in-chief is far greater than that of the speaker of the House, and the humiliating way this was brought home to the congressional equivalent of Maerose Prizzi (h/t Michael Walsh) was something.

She anticipated that she and her posse of cronies and their families (reports of a ninety-some entourage in all) would hop a military plane for a free trip to Brussels, Afghanistan, and Egypt, doubtless with fawning media coverage, leaving the president to sit alone in the White House hoping fruitlessly they’d toddle in there to negotiate an end to the shutdown. Continue reading

Trump-Russia Plot Smear Has Failed As Shocking Information Set For Release

Gillian GrannumPlease note: The website is considered by many to be a “fake news” site. However, I have followed the publication for some time, and it has more researchable links to active mainstream articles than many who critique it.  That said, please use discernment when reading the article posted below.  Thank you.

Sorcha Faal – An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the American-leftist establishment (“Deep State”/Obama-Clinton Supporters/Mainstream Media)—who for over a year have tried to destroy President Donald Trump through a plot to smear him as a “tool” of Russia—are now being warned that all of their lies have now been exposed—and that comes on the heels of shocking new revelations soon to be released exposing the main perpetrators of this plot—and as, also, the US Congress has now turned its focus away from investigating Trump-Russia collusion, to where it always rightfully belonged in the first place—the Obama-Clinton regimes use of the FBI and Justice Department to target a political opponent.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


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