California Wild Fires – Geoengineered Firestorms Designed to Advance the Agenda(s)

aliso canyon

UN  Agenda 21  &  2030  Agenda for Sustainable Development Will Not Be Thwarted by President Trump – Even if California Must Be Destroyed

State of the Nation – There is nothing more sacred to the New World Order agenda than the covert plan to establish a One World Government.  The ultimate goal of that misguided agenda is to completely own and manage all natural resources on planet Earth, as well to control the weather around the globe—24/7.  This game plan also includes controlling all human resources, of course.

NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources [Link]

Only with the understanding provided by the preceding exposé can anyone begin to apprehend the true depth and breadth of this highly organized, multi-century conspiracy.  In fact, all of the natural disasters and manmade catastrophes are used to carry out this master plan.

What is of paramount importance is to correctly comprehend both the strategy and the tactics being used by the NWO ruling cabal.  Weather warfare, geoterrorism and environmental destruction reign supreme in the outworking of their agenda.  As follows:

1 – TPTB possess the in situ technology to create virtually any type of natural calamity they so choose to, many from scratch. Continue reading