Pre-Wired For Justice = Pre-Wired For Tyranny

tyrannyPaul Rosenberg – I’m borrowing just a bit from our March newsletter, but I think this point should be made now.

Over the past few days we’ve seen the tyrant of Canada and his minions invoking martial law, seizing bank accounts, threatening to kill the dogs of people they dislike, referencing Satan figures (Trump) and telling protest supporters “you ought be afraid.”

Their wannabe friends are doxing and harassing people who donated money to a (fully, not mostly) peaceful protest, after someone (and wouldn’t you love to know who that was) hacked into a donation service and stole the names of all who dared oppose the tyranny. Continue reading

Trudeau’s Canada: Unjabbed to Be Policed in Walmart to Ensure They Don’t Buy Anything Other Than Food & Pharma

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Unjabbed in Trudeau’s Canada to be policed in Walmart to ensure they don’t purchased anything other than food and medicine
Under Justin Trudeau’s leadership, unjabbed shoppers in Canada will now be subjected to being escorted in Walmart to ensure they don’t buy anything other than food or pharmaceutical products.

Yes, really. Continue reading

Trudeau: Provincial Vaccine Passports Are ‘Interim Measure’ Leading To ‘Formalized’ National Document

Life Site News – Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed COVID-19 vaccine passports will be around for some time.

vaccine passport“In the interim, and as a first step, since a number of provinces have chosen to step forward with the vaccine certification of their own, we have decided that the best way to do that is to work with each of them so that they are reasonably standardized across the country, and so that there is a federal certification on that that will be accepted for international travel,” said Trudeau while speaking in Welland, Ontario on Monday. 

“It is an interim measure, perhaps to last a year or so before we bring in the formalized passport version of it.”

While speaking in Welland, Trudeau stated that Canada has decided to “move forward” with COVID-19 vaccine mandates for travel, and he insinuated that those who choose not to get jabbed will be left out of society. Continue reading

Canada: The ‘Dumpster Fire’ Globalist Experiment Votes [Video]

canadaAlexandra Bruce – Canadian YouTuber, Black Pigeon Speaks (BPS) is back to talk about the the dumpster fire of a Globalist experiment that is Canada, as the country prepares for a general election.

The election will likely be a referendum on the relentless social engineering that has been bulldozed upon the populace, in a bid to make Canada the first “postnational” country.

All over the world, we see a mass-repudiation by the middle classes of their wokester technocrats. It is a logical backlash against the hostility directed at them. Continue reading

Earth’s magnetic field is mysteriously acting up, pushing North Pole towards Siberia

magnetic fieldRT News – Earth’s magnetic field, the basis for modern global navigation systems, is constantly in some state of flux. However, it now seems to be going haywire, pushing the North Pole closer to Siberia, and no one’s sure why.

The field changes as the molten metals surrounding the earth’s solid iron core churn and flow, creating electric currents and a corresponding magnetic field. As a result, the magnetic poles tend to shift slightly as a matter of course.

However, researchers don’t know what’s causing the magnetic field to now move so quickly.

The north magnetic pole sped across the International Date Line last year at a rate of 55 km per year, more than three times as fast as it moved before the mid-1990s. Now located in the Eastern Hemisphere, it’s moving away from Canada and approaching Siberia. Continue reading