We’re Not the Crazy Ones

realityRob Jenkins – Long gone are the days when “politics as usual” meant Democrats and Republicans quibbling over policy preferences. Today’s divide is more existential than political, between two sides — left versus right, progressives versus conservatives, statists versus classical liberals, however you want to phrase it — who see the world in fundamentally different terms, almost as if they live in two separate realities.

Okay, never mind the “almost.”

Since a good pocket definition of “insanity” is “out of touch with reality,” each side thus thinks the other is literally insane. You can see this play out daily on social media, as both sides shake their heads in stunned disbelief at the other’s inexplicable antics, which to them seem “crazy.” In this context, that’s not merely a pejorative.    Continue reading

Vigilante Republicans Infiltrate Texas School Board

AmericansMaxwell Anderson – It’s no secret that Democrats are doing everything in their power to force their agenda onto the country. And the place they start is at the schools. If they can brainwash our kids into believing their leftist garbage at an early age, then they can ensure students will be voting Democrat for the rest of their lives.

That’s why Democrats fight so hard to control school boards, dominate teacher’s unions, and decide the curriculum from Pre-K to college. It’s the same reason they slander homeschooling and charter schools so much. Not only do they lose money when parents take ownership of their kids’ educations, but it deprives them of vulnerable minds to warp. Continue reading

What If Cancel Culture Fascists Have a Clinical Condition? [Video]

autismAlexandra Bruce – When I look at a group of Antifa members, I often feel that I’m looking at a group of people with High-functioning autism or Aspberger syndrome.

Then I think about the work of Dr Andrew Wakefield, Robert Kennedy Jr and others who’ve discussed the coincidence in the rise of autism cases with the rise in the number of vaccines administered to children, starting roughly 30 years ago.

Wakefield directed the 2016 film, ‘Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe’, about CDC whistleblower, Dr William Thompson, a senior scientist involved in designing vaccine safety studies, who came forward in 2014, stating that safety research in 2004 was fraudulently manipulated by the CDC. Continue reading

Can Liberalism Survive Science?

John Conlin – So, you believe in science, eh? Excellent, so do I. At the core of this science-thinking is the acceptance of the fact that there is reality. Thus, there are a finite number of things which are true and an infinite number of things which aren’t — and our beliefs, opinions, and desires have no impact on this.

All “science-folks” accept these as rather self-evident truths — yet many of these same people also profess to holding liberal views — even though modern progressivism is premised on many things which simple aren’t true — which contradict reality.

This isn’t a political or philosophical issue but rather a reality issue. Continue reading

My Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed

democratsJohn Green – Now that the implications of the Harris/Biden administration are setting in, my Democrat friends (yes, I do have a few) are becoming very embarrassed.  They bought into the propaganda that all the turmoil in Washington was created by the erratic and immoral behavior of Donald Trump.  Their vote for Harris/Biden was a vote to return to normal.  They didn’t realize that the Democrats weren’t offering a return to normal, they were offering the establishment of a “new normal.”

The “new normal” includes restricted energy exploration and cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.  This has caused a loss of well-paying union jobs, damaged relations with Canada, and triggered skyrocketing gasoline prices.  It also threatens to return us to dependence on the most unstable region in the world.  To those who would like us to leave the Middle East to resolve its own problems — we can’t now. Continue reading