Hundreds of Cancer Genes Are Deliberately Engineered into the MMR Vaccine to Promote Cancer

 MMR vaccinesA shocking new gene sequencing investigation has found that MMR vaccines are deliberately engineered to cause cancer as a repeat business model for Big Pharma, which manufactures vaccines and cancer treatment drugs for profit.

MMR vaccines were found to contain the complete gene sequence of a specific human (aborted) baby whose genes were modified to express cancer. In all, over 500 genes were altered to heighten the expression of cancer.

The CDC openly admits that these aborted human fetal cells are known ingredients in vaccines. The altered genes are found in ingredients called “MRC-5” or “WI-38,” both of which are openly acknowledged by the CDC as ingredients in vaccines. (See the CDC’s excipient table document here – PDF).

vaccines. See the proof of WI-38 and MRC-5 ingredients in the Varivax vaccine via the FDA’s official website at this link. Continue reading

Eating Organic Cuts Cancer Risk by up to 25%

pestHumans Are Free – Everyone knows that organic is the healthier choice. Now, new evidence sheds even more light on just how important it is to eat organic food. A groundbreaking study suggests that you can significantly cut down your risk of cancer just by eating organic.

While organic food tends to be more expensive, this landmark study may just change your mind if you’re on the fence about spending the extra money.

Cancer statistics are scary, to say the least. The chance that you will develop cancer at some point in your life is almost 40% if you’re a male and 37% if you’re a female (1). This new study suggests you can shave off quite a few digits from those risk percentages. Continue reading

Make Your Own Natural Deodorant

Natural DeodorantAlex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit – Putting on deodorant has become a regular personal care routine for many. If you don’t put it on daily, I am sure at some point in your life you have probably had some sort of body odor and used deodorant to block the smell.

Body odor can be a result of what foods you are eating and whether you are drinking enough water. However, sometimes you can’t help but have some odor.

There are many different deodorants on the market but most of them have toxic ingredients. Many have high levels of aluminum and parabens that have been connected to health issues such as breast cancer, kidney disease, allergies and alzhiemers.

Why Use Natural Deodorant?

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Most Powerful Health Benefits of Ginger

gingerGreenMedInfo Research Group – Our modern world is a difficult place to maintain a healthful balance. Ginger is, hands down, one of the most broadly therapeutic and familiar plant allies available to us to prevent and even reverse a wide range of ailments, with the science supporting its safety and efficacy one of the most robust.

Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) is a powerful medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to keep mankind in balance. Rich in bioactive terpenes, ginger belongs to the same powerhouse plant family, Zingiberaceae, as turmeric and cardamom.

Ginger became prized by herbalists around the world during the days of the early spice trade, when it was first exported from India and Southern Asia into Europe.[1] Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda consider ginger to be warming to the system, thus stimulating to the “digestive fire.”

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Flavonoid-Rich Foods linked to Cancer and Heart Disease Prevention

Amelia Harris – We’ve long known the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, but research shows that the flavonoids found in these foods, and others, have protective powers that are greater than we realized.

What Are Flavonoids?

FlavonoidsFlavonoids are a natural group of phytonutrients found in vegetables, fruits, tea, wine, barks, roots, stems, grains, and flowers. They are a class of plant secondary metabolites with a polyphenolic structure and exist in plants for many biological functions.

Flavonoids give plants their pigments, especially those found in flowers, but they also exist to help plants fight microbes,  act as UV filters, and act as detoxifying agents. Additionally, they assist with drought resistance, freezing tolerance, and heat acclimatization. (1) Continue reading