Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

coconut oilSayer Ji – While coconut oil has dragged itself out of the muck of vast misrepresentation over the past few years as a ‘deadly saturated fat,’ it still does not get the full appreciation it truly deserves.  Not just a “good” fat, coconut oil is an exceptional healing agent as well, with loads of useful health applications.

Some examples of this “good” saturated fat’s therapeutica properties include:

Fat-Burning: Ironic, isn’t it? A saturated fat which can accelerate the loss of midsection fat (the most dangerous kind). Well, there are now two solid, human studies showing just two tablespoons a day (30 ml), in both men and women, is capable of reducing belly fat within 1-3 months. Continue reading

Candida Fighting Foods


Lucy Morales – Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that can occur in the human gut. According to research, 70% of people have candida colonies in their intestines, mouth or skin, however the candida in your gut is typically kept in balance by healthy gut bacteria. The problem is that candida can over run your system if our bacterial balance is upset by factors like antibiotics, poor diet, alcohol consumption, prescription drugs, diabetes or pregnancy.

As the candida infections spreads, the overgrowth releases nasty toxic byproducts into your body causing numerous unpleasant symptoms. Candida frequently causes superficial infections but may also cause systemic infections. Candida Albicans can also cause issues like chronic fatigue and serious digestive issues, which can negatively — and dramatically — affect your quality of life.

Candida infection isn’t pleasant, but it is manageable. Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet. Here are 10 foods proven to be effective in fighting the problem. Continue reading

Balance Your Gut Flora Quickly, Kill Candida, And Eliminate Disease

– Due to the American diet, nearly every person in the United States who is in poor health or suffers from any disease is living with an overabundance of Candida.

Candida is a very opportunistic. Once this fungus takes over, it can spread throughout the body. Candida burrows into the gut lining creating holes in the intestines that allow undigested food particles and other toxins to enter the bloodstream setting off an immune response that causes allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. This is called leaky gut syndrome.

The good news is that Candida in the gut can be eradicated quickly, restoring the natural and healthy order of gut flora. Most people (even those who feel considerably ill) will see a major reduction in symptoms once this is done. But there’s also bad news. Most people do have a “leaky gut” to a degree. Too much sugar equals too much Candida (and other “bad” pathogens), which equals too much leakiness in the gut.

If you have an overabundance of Candida, you have a leaky gut. The less balance in the gut flora, the more permeable it becomes. It takes months to repair a leaky gut. Once you balance the gut flora and adjust the diet so that the healthiest eco-system can thrive, going off of the healthy diet you’ve maintained can yield seriously painful results. Even though your body may feel like it has completely healed, it still has a leaky gut that lets sugars and whatever else that was just eaten pass through into the bloodstream undigested where there are lots of microbes waiting, lying there, starving, just hoping you’ll slip up again and feed them so they can come roaring back to life.

How To Know If You Have an Overabundance Of Candida Continue reading