Cooler Heads Prevail at Texas Climate Summit

lindzenRebecca Terrell – Amid the bustle and rhetoric leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference to begin November 30 in France, one man has described global warming hysteria most succinctly: “It’s just nonsense.” Climate expert Dr. Richard Lindzen (shown, left) made this remark Friday at a summit hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation in Austin. An emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT, Lindzen emphasized, “Demonization of CO2 is irrational at best, and even modest warming is mostly beneficial.”

The watchdog website Climate Depot provides Lindzen’s compelling arguments refuting UN claims that mankind is responsible for most of our planet’s warming during the past 50 years.

The most important thing to keep in mind is — when you ask “is it warming, is it cooling,” etc. — is that we are talking about something tiny, and that is the crucial point.

We are speaking of small changes. Twenty-five hundredths (of a degree) Celsius would be about 50 percent of the recent warming, and that strongly suggests a low and inconsequential climate sensitivity — meaning no problem at all.

[Pointing out a graph of temperature records over time:] I urge you when looking at a graph, check the scales! The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree. When someone points to this and says this is the warmest temperature on record, what are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period, and they are arguing over hundredths of a degree when it is uncertain in tenths of a degree. Continue reading

Carbon Hypocrite Bill Gates Says Only Carbon Taxes Will Stop the Dreaded Climate Change

gatesMelissa Dykes – Put aside whether or not you believe in man-made global warming for a second, and ask yourself, even as he calls once again for carbon taxes, whether or not Bill Gates actually believes in man-made global warming.

It’s that time of year again, you see. Billionaire Bill Gates is once more calling for carbon taxes as the only way to stop the dreaded climate change.

Via the Daily Caller:

Gates, who made his billions in free markets, declared that “there’s no fortune to be made” in private-sector attempts to lower CO2 levels.

“Even if you have a new energy source that costs the same as today’s and emits no CO2, it will be uncertain compared with what’s tried-and-true and already operating at unbelievable scale and has gotten through all the regulatory problems,” Gates told The Atlantic.

As such, the Microsoft mogul wants to force high taxes on carbon dioxide, a naturally occurring chemical compound.

“Without a substantial carbon tax, there’s no incentive for innovators or plant buyers to switch,” Gates, a vendor of computer software and videogames, claimed.

Back in 2013, Gates was talking about not if we get a carbon tax, but when. In fact, the billionaire was already talking about what “we” (meaning the elite, megacorporations, government cronies, Al Gore) should spend it on: “innovation”.

Speaking of “innovation,” Gates is making the rounds again to promote the fact that he’s invested $2 billion in just such green energy innovation through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Continue reading

The Pope: “a poor church for the poor”

popeJon Rappoport – In his first statement to the press after his election as Pope, Francis said: “This is what I want, a poor church for the poor.”

And a jet and an entourage and massive security, as he wings his way to bring that message of poverty to the masses.

I wonder how the message would be received in America’s inner cities.

The Pope’s recipe for change, if there is to be any change at all, seems to fall under the category of “income redistribution.”

Apparently, carbon taxes and cap and trade would fit the redistribution agenda.

Forget the fact that a carbon monarchy would drastically reduce available energy in the Third World. But don’t worry, poverty is good. Embrace it.

The Pope is headlining a big show in the US because he and Obama are on the same page. They both want to excoriate capitalism, while conveniently avoiding the subject of Globalist trade treaties, which are designed to expand poverty and destroy millions of jobs.

Since the Pope is willing to mention specifics, such as the horrors of air conditioning, he should be willing to address GATT, the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, and the TPP: the treaties by which elite Globalists wreak havoc. Until he does discuss them, and at length, his statements about poverty deserve no more attention than any politician’s.

As for his stance on immigration and the US southern border, his sympathy for destitute Catholic refugees making their way into America dovetails nicely with the goal of expanding the flock, which has been declining in this country. Continue reading

Good Hearts, Fooled Minds: Top 4 Fallacies of the Hijacked Environmental Movement

Makia Freeman – The hijacked environmental movement is a symptom of the current general, collective state of humanity: good hearted but ignorant. Kind hearted but hoodwinked. Many people in the environmental movement are in it for the right reasons: they see the ongoing poisoning and destruction of the planet by corporations, and are determined to defend and speak out for the Earth. Yet, in spite of their good intentions, they have unwittingly allowed themselves to be channeled in a direction that is not really going to help the Earth. They are unintentionally supporting the very forces that are responsible for the pillaging of it.

By continuing to push notions that carbon dioxide is a poison, that global warming exists and mankind is responsible for it, that we need a worldwide carbon tax and that we require Agenda 21-style global governance, these people are unknowingly promoting the New World Order program – and unwittingly placing elite controllers in power who don’t care about the environment and view it merely as a resource to be exploited. It has even gotten to the point where those resisting climate change (another Rothschild-Rockefeller creation) are being treated like criminal extremists – there have even been calls in the US by climate scientists for Obama to prosecute them!

Welcome to Planet Earth. If your opinion diverges too much from the mainstream, you could get locked up for thinking wrongly.

With the current focus being on the 2015 UN Summit, the hackneyed buzzword of sustainability is being thrown around like there’s no tomorrow. In this context, it’s worth revisiting how the environmental movement came to be so hijacked and co-opted.

Basis for the Hijack: Conspiracy Reports from The Iron Mountain and The Club of Rome

The basis for the hijacked environment movement lies with formerly secret military reports, and one of the elite Round Table groups that run the world: the Club of Rome. I wonder if those who believe in AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) or Manmade Global Warming have any idea that the elite came up with the idea of using mankind itself as the global threat against which we are all supposed to gather behind a One World Government? The 1966 Report from the Iron Mountain was commissioned by JFK and considered by LBJ as too dangerous to reveal to the public at the time when it was completed. This excerpt from it discusses how a Global Government could function without war, and suggests the threat could instead be environmental pollution: Continue reading

UN Agenda 21 Still Advancing Worldwide

We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order — a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful — and we will be — we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders. – G.H.W. Bush Speaking at start of first Gulf War, 1991

What is Agenda 21?

Agenda 21Bruce Tanner – Quoting from the UN website: “Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”(sic)

Many have said that Agenda 21 is now outdated policy that’s fallen into neglect. This is far from true. For example, among many other things, the slow-motion train wreck of our ongoing world economic collapse supports UN Agenda 21, and the UN conference on “Post-2015 Sustainability Agenda” coming this September is a clear reiteration. Apologists say that Agenda 21 is only “Soft Law,” a policy that has no teeth. But they’re lying. In 20 years, through stealth implementation, this plan has become embedded in local policies all over the United States. It’s called Sustainable Development. Wherever you see it you’ll find “The 3 E’s:” ecology, economy, equity. In the upcoming UN conference, where the Jesuit Pope Francis will be appearing to promote his recent encyclical, they’re being called “People, Planet and Prosperity.”

Agenda 21 emerged full-blown from the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) aka The Rio Summit, in 1992. 16 to 17 thousand “delegates,” who were somehow given official status as officers of the UN, traveled from all over the world to take part in an 11-day party in Rio De Janeiro, where they were presented with Agenda 21, The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio, a more than 300-page document that they were asked to approve, though it seems unlikely that many of them could have had time to even read it. Unsurprisingly, they voted to accept it, and it was suddenly official United Nations policy for the world. Continue reading