Enjoy Your Caretaking Retirement

enjoy your retirementBrenda Hoffman – You may surprise yourself with your new needs.

You have likely been a caretaker for most of your 3D earth lives. Not because you were destined to do so, but because you knew subconsciously you would be on the earth at this time. So you practiced your earth-saving/humanity-saving skills for multiple lives before this earth life.

You have always known you were different.

You tried to explore that difference in multiple ways, most often involving caretaking. Perhaps activities within religious orders, attempting to save someone via an abusive relationship or becoming the neighborhood center for problem-solving, a shoulder to cry on. Continue reading

Personal Benefits Of Being A Caregiver For Someone You Love

caregiverDo you like interacting with people and want to bring positive change in their lives? Then becoming a home caregiver for a loved one in need might be the right task for you.

Contrary to popular belief, nursing is not the only field that allows you to serve sick people and provide them with care. A home caregiver does the same; albeit, in a different setting. Becoming a home caregiver allows you to impact and enhance other people’s quality of life positively. Continue reading