Cosmic Consciousness And The Divine Body

bodyMindConsciousnessThroughout the thousands of years that humanity has been experiencing life in a dualistic 3D consciousness on Earth, many traditions have sought to open human consciousness to our true Divine awareness.  All of these traditions within religion, esotericism, metaphysics, and spirituality, etc. have developed a certain way of accessing higher consciousness while in the physical body.

In these times of accelerating shifting frequencies of the dimensional Earth hologram, we are awakening to our true human nature on Earth beyond just accessing our infinite consciousness.  We will fully be our Divine awareness incarnate as a soul-body.  We will live our infinite consciousness on Earth as the Divine beings that we are.  If humanity is to be our true harmonic awareness of love and creativity on Earth, the physical body as an emanation of this consciousness must be fully Divine.

Accessing Infinite Consciousness from Within the 3D Duality Matrix

The current overall 3D fear-based duality consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has limited and veiled humanity to a very narrow frequency range of experience and expression.  The point of entry for this false disharmonic frequency is the consciousness of the thinking mind and the reactive emotional system.  This level of mind has conditioned the ego personality structure as an overlay to experiencing life in the physical body.  This mind is one with the physical body and affects all cellular systems, information, and communication pathways throughout the body.  It is a false distorting operating system of mind that censors and filters all experience through past conditioning.  The thinking mind’s disharmonic frequency restricts our awareness of our infinite consciousness by incessantly diverting our attention from the “now” moment.  This linear mind has so effected our incarnate being that it has intermingled at the very core level of our cellular energy.  At our most foundational level on Earth, the fear-based consciousness operates within a deep frequency memory pattern of the cells.

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