Lawrence E. Rafferty ~ The CIA Lost Its Soul And Took Ours With it

“Why is it now only a crime if our enemies do it to us?  Will we regain the soul of America again and finally get past partisan grievances to retake the moral standing of our nation?” – L Rafferty

CIA-BadgePOTUSThis past week’s news reports of the Senate report on the CIA Torture program were both distressing and enlightening.   I was dismayed to not only read what the full extent of the CIA’s Torture program was, but also when I read pundits and former CIA officials claim that rectal rehydration was merely a medical procedure! I was further discouraged when commenters on this blog made claims that waterboarding and other torture tactics were either necessary or what the devils deserved.

Very few pundits or commenters seem to care if the so-called Enhanced Interrogation techniques were legal or ethical when the CIA resorted to them shortly after 9/11.  This “debate” over the actions taken in our name by the CIA has gone from a report based on the CIA’s own words to denials that the techniques were torture, to claims that great intelligence value was gained using the torture and claims that it was a biased report written by Democrats.

When we were attacked on September 11, 2001, most of the world was supporting the United States in its hours of grief and anger.  What happened after the attacks quickly turned the tide of world opinion against us and created new enemies.  When the CIA delved into its historical “playbook” to devise black sites and brutal interrogation techniques, the result, in my opinion, was a loss of our ethical and legal bearings that are still out of whack today.

When our greatest generation fought enemies stronger and just as brutal as what we face today, our forces were held to a higher standard than the enemy we were fighting.  The idea that America does not torture or mistreat its prisoners or enemies is not a new one.  It dates back at least to when General George Washington decided that British regulars and paid mercenaries fighting for the British were not to be mistreated in our detention facilities. Continue reading

Catherine J. Frompovich ~ CIA Un-Cloaked – Who Or What Should Be Next?

“The upshot or take away regarding Congress is this: Congress has oversight and needs to get out of the deep back pockets of vested interest groups and their lobbyists who prowl Capitol Hill poisoning the well with proprietary misinformation that, in turn, makes life expensive, problematic, and a ‘police state’ out of the USA.” – C J Frompovich

CIA-BadgePOTUSAfter years of conjecture and apparent “conspiracy theories,” taxpayers in the United States finally are getting a handle – possibly only one of many that could be rendered or available – about the CIA, the infamous Central Intelligence Agency, which should have been taken to task many years ago, in this writer’s opinion.

Is a newly-released Senate report [1] vindication for all those whistleblowers, especially John Kiriakou, who currently is serving time in the federal pen at Loretto, Pennsylvania, that the CIA needed to be taken to task and exposed, something the U.S. Congress apparently refused to do for years, until now.

According to Wikipedia,

He [Kiriakou] is notable as the first official within the U.S. government to confirm the use of waterboarding of al-Qaeda prisoners as an interrogation technique, which he described as torture. [2]

To the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s credit, though, “This action marked the culmination of a monumental effort that officially began with the Committee’s decision to initiate the Study in March 2009, but which had its roots in an investigation into the CIA’s destruction of videotapes of CIA detainee interrogations that began in December 2007.” [3]

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The Military Industrial Complex & Total Collapse

June 5 2014 ~ Today David Stockman warned King World News about the military industrial complex, the CIA, and total collapse. KWN takes Stockman’s warnings very seriously because he is the man former President Reagan called on in 1981, during that crisis, to become Director of the Office of Management and Budget and help save the United States from collapse. Below is what Stockman, author of the website contracorner, had to say in part II of a series of powerful interviews that have now been released.

Eric King: “If the fighting continues in Ukraine, is it just going to continue to be a stalemate over there?”

Stockman: “It could well devolve into a full-fledged civil war, and that would be really unfortunate for the people. … That is the result of the constitutional and political crisis that was provoked last November and December, not by Putin and the Russians, but by the (U.S.) State Department and the CIA and the so-called non-governmental organizations that are swarming all over eastern Europe trying to stir up trouble….

“… It’s an indication that what I call the military-industrial complex, this warfare state with all the spy agencies and this massive war machine that we have, is a dangerous thing to keep in being.  We don’t need it.  It should be demobilized.  It should be dramatically reduced so that the people who operate it aren’t tempted to start stirring up trouble.”

Continue reading @ KingWorldNews

Thanks, Dale

Stephen Lendman ~ Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly

SteveLendmansBlog  May 30 2014

“”(F)ear-mongering propagandists may well succeed in pushing the United States into a situation of increased tension with Iran…” Including possible military confrontation. It’s what Netanyahu “long sought,” Porter stressed. It’s madness if happens. It assures regional conflict. Perhaps global. Washington’s agenda risks the worst of all possible outcomes. Fascist regimes operate this way.” S. Lendman

steveLendmanIt’s longstanding US policy. Enemies are invented when none exist. War on terror duplicity continues.

It’s fake. It creates fear. It’s used to justify the unjustifiable. It’s to advance America’s imperium. One country after another is ravaged and destroyed.

Ukraine is in the eye of the storm. So is Syria. Iran’s turn awaits. Washington wants its sovereign independence eliminated.

It wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing it. Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful.

It has no military component. It never did. Claims otherwise are Big Lies. Sixteen US intelligence agencies once said so. No longer.

They dispel notions about a weaponized Iranian nuclear program. They do annually. It doesn’t matter.

Neocons infest Washington. Big Lies about Iran’s nuclear policy persist. They do so despite public knowledge otherwise.

Iran’s nuclear program is entirely peaceful. It wants it kept this way. It deplores nuclear weapons. It wants a nuclear-free world.

It wants peace. It abhors war. Managed news misinformation claims otherwise.

Iran opposes violence and instability. It wants rapprochement with all nations. Especially hostile Western ones.

Ongoing P5+1 talks continue. So do efforts to subvert them. By Israel most of all. Netanyahu knows Iran’s program is peaceful.

So do other Israeli hardliners. It doesn’t matter. They want a Middle East rival eliminated. They want regional hegemony.

Mossad-connected DEBKAfile (DF) spreads Big Lies. Iran is a prime target. On May 24, it headlined “The Big Charade: Nuclear diplomacy is a flop, the finale is secretly postponed to 2015.”

“All hands on board the project for proving that Iran is amenable to dialogue and concessions on its nuclear program worked overtime this week to mask the truth, which is that negotiations were going nowhere,” said DF. Continue reading