Transform Your Cross Of Matter Into A Pillar Of Radiant Light

Transform your cross of matter into a pillar of radiant lightAA Michael – My brave ones, it is time for everyone to awaken to the fact: humanity and the earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of divine light.

This powerful, pure light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Cocreator God of each universe, and then out into every level of Creation. This is to ensure that gradually every Spark and Fragment of Creation will have access to the appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. Continue reading

What’s Your Central Sun?

worthyBrenda Hoffman – Many of you are concerned that you are not ready for the final push, the birth of new you. Such concerns indicate your disbelief in your worth.

You most likely relish the thought of a new earth that someone will create and promote. But that someone is certainly not you, for you are just you – an ordinary earthling. A belief many of you hold despite eons of practice for this moment. You believe you cannot be an earth savior or angel because you are so average, so ordinary. Continue reading

8-8 Lions Gate & Eclipse Finale

eclipseMeg Benedicte – We are entering the final week of an extraordinary eclipse series, culminating in the 8-8 Lions Gate on August 8th and Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on August 11th. During this week the stargate is fully open streaming a galactic superwave from the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, the Star Sirius, the Earth Grid Point of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. When the Sun is conjunct Star Sirius it creates a Solar Stargate that pours Solar Star Codes for mastery and ascension into the earth plane.

The 8-8 “wave” contains the new Light Codes of the Cosmic Ascension for the next year/cycle. In numerology ‘8’ is the symbol of balance. 8 is the great karmic equalizer, it holds the balance between opposing forces, creating a zero point vacuum that connects spirit and matter. On Wednesday, August 8th we will receive the powerful superwave of ‘8’ frequencies enhancing personal authority, confidence, inner-strength, freedom, abundance and prosperity. Continue reading