Being Aware of Our Energy

“We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.” –  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  Nikola Tesla

“Numerous cultures describe a matrix of subtle energies that support, shape, and animate the physical body, called qi or chi in China, prana in the yoga tradition of India and Tibet, yesod in the Jewish cabalistic tradition, ki in Japan, baraka by the Sufis, wakan by the Lakotas, orenda by the Iroquois, megbe by the Ituri Pygmies, and the Holy Spirit in Christian tradition. It is hardly a new idea to suggest that subtle energies operate in tandem with the denser, “congealed” energies of the material body.” – Donna Eden with David Feinstein in Energy Medicine

“By opening blockages in the energy pathways and reawakening our innate ability to sense energy flow, we can recover our health and natural balance. When we develop sensitivity to ki, we will be able to reach our body’s potential.” Ilchi Lee

Our Intuition

Once we embrace that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, our world begins to morph and the materialistic priorities of our experience of which we are bombarded with since birth begin to fade away.  Our intuition reveals itself in very subtle ways that leaves us wondering if it was just a coincidence.  Our intuition is related to our energy and the energy around us that we are interpreting unconsciously at first and then as we begin to listen to our intuition, it often becomes a conscious processing of the energy.  According to Merriam-Webster:


noun in·tu·i·tion \?in-tü-?i-sh?n, -tyü-\

: a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why

: something that is known or understood without proof or evidence Continue reading

What Unlocking Your 7th Sense Could Mean For You

“You are using your seventh sense when you ask the Universe a question and receive the answer as your own thought with such clarity, there is no doubt. It is pure knowing.” – C Horner

girlMeditatesOnBeachBecause science was not advanced enough to detect and measure 6th and 7th sense energy fields, such phenomena was illegitimized as paranormal, and even ridiculed.  Slowly, as cited by supporting articles found on Collective Evolution, this is beginning to change.

Intimately intertwined within the commonly accepted five senses our body uses to collect information about our external world lies the uncharted territory of our metaphysical world containing extrasensory perception and our chakras. It’s only recently that our sixth sense has come into humanity’s collective awareness. But did you know you have a seventh sense?

It is Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) who is credited with the classification of the primary five sense organs: sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. These sense organs contain receptors for specific stimuli that are connected to your body’s nervous system which then sends data to your brain, providing you with useful information about your physical/external world. But what about your essential/internal world?

Buddhists consider the mind to be a sense organ in addition to the five senses. Simultaneously processing the collective data of the first five senses, the mind becomes a gateway, making an exponential or fractal leap to a broader spectrum of perception that includes your internal sensory system. This extrasensory system has been referred to as the psychic realm.

Because science was not advanced enough to detect and measure these energy fields, such phenomena were illegitimized as paranormal, and even ridiculed. Slowly, this is beginning to change.

Our sixth sense has been feared and revered since humans were a much more primitive species, depending on what period of history you had the (mis)fortune of being born in. If you were lucky enough be born into a Native American tribe, you may have been recognized for your inner genius and exalted as your community’s shaman. Continue reading