Could It Be Choice or Synchronicities?

SynchronicitiesSherrie Dillard – We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, open us to new insights and help us to understand ourselves and what is happening around us in new ways. Synchronicity is intuition expressed in the outer world.

Synchronicities are no accident. The universe has carefully orchestrated the seemingly impossible convergences of things, people, events, and conditions. It does not matter how great or small the coincidence may be. We immediately recognize when we intersect with the cosmic. Although others may not always be able to feel and see it, we know when we are touched by the transcendent. The heart smiles, the mind opens, and like an Olympian gymnast, the soul joyously flips and leaps.

Offering a Glimpse into a Forgotten Reality

Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into a reality that we have forgotten. They speak to the authentic self that is comfortable and at home in the realm of cosmic truth. Despite the powerful effect that a synchronicity can have on us, we all too soon attempt to dumb it down by rationalization.

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Your Challenges Can Heal You

“The Crossing” by artist Deirdre Murphy

Mary O’Malley – How would your life change if you trusted that your challenges are a part of your journey home – back to yourself and back to Life – instead of feeling that your challenges are here because you have done something wrong or you are being punished or God fell asleep on the job? What would happen if your illness, your difficult relationship, your demanding boss, your compulsions, and maybe even your troublesome dog were showing up in your life to help you heal?

The healing you long for comes when you discover how to play the warmer, warmer/colder, colder game. Remember that game from your childhood? You hide something and when your friends are searching for it, you say “warmer, warmer” when they come close to where it is hidden, and when they go away from it, you say “colder, colder.”

When you live in the colder, colder place, your challenges take you right up into your head and you follow them down the rabbit hole of struggle. The storyteller in your mind tries to figure things out, resist them, judge them, attack/defend and when all of that fails, it falls into hopelessness and despair. The last thing it wants to do is actually experience what you are experiencing.  So you leave yourself for the struggles of your mind when you most need yourself! Continue reading

Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for May 2015

mayMay contains abundant energy for examining and refining our long-term goals, values and beliefs. However, there are some notable challenges along the way. Mercury in Gemini turns retrograde in mid-month, which will affect our communications, travels and how we process information. Since Mercury is in its own sign, the effects will be more pronounced. We are still under the influence of the April New Moon in Aries until mid-month, with a theme of being self-assertive, pioneering and competitive. The mid-month period also contains potential for conflicting energies and a need for caution. Hence we have an underlying theme of the need to establish clarity before taking action, along with using discernment and discrimination.

On May 3 the Full Moon occurs at 13 Scorpio 23. This lunation forms a challenging t-square to Jupiter in Leo, while in favorable alignment with Neptune and Pluto. The influence of a fixed-sign pattern (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) encourages us to examine long-term patterns, goals and beliefs. Jupiter provides expansive energy to assist in knowing and manifesting our true ideals and goals. On the highest level it provides greater spiritual meaning and perspective. The Scorpio energy allows us to release and transform any lingering power and control issues, along with limiting beliefs. It can also bring more depth, emotional intensity, resourcefulness and determination. The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees include: “Returning to simpler joys for revitalization,” and “The need to establish new channels of communication.” We can ask our higher guidance to bring the deeper messages and insights we need to hear at this time for our greater growth and balance. Continue reading