Make It Always Sunrise In Your World

Make It Always Sunrise In Your World
“Sunrise” – photographer Robin

Veronica – In physical reality upon the circular motion of your solar system there is a moment of awareness of the perceived vision of the rise and setting of your sun. It is a reminder of sorts to the idea of creation and closure….. “beginning and end”, if you will.

Make it always a sunrise in your world. When faced with adversity focus upon positive outcomes rather than wallowing and lamenting what no longer suites you. Allow the closure of the sunset to free you from no longer required negativity. Continue reading

Pleiadian Message May 2023

Pleiadian Message May 2023Christine Day – “A sacred field of light will be descending on Earth during the timeframe of May. You are being called to align through your Heart and open consciously to be received, to be realigned through this field of light. This sacred light will encompass the planet.

he Network of light that has surrounded the planet will begin to anchor its roots physically within the earth plane and will open this platform of light consciousness.

This is your time to let go on another level within your Heart center by choosing to surrender through your Heart and allow your Heart to merge within this platform of light.

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May 2023 Energy Report

May 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – And we enter another month in this year of ongoing revelations, release, re-vision, and reconsideration. In the 2023 Predictions I said that the focus this year was on energy, potential, and expansion and we cannot allow ourselves to get distracted by the debris that is being jettisoned from the unfolding events that are happening with daily frequency.

Can you believe that it’s already May, the 5th month of the year? It feels like time is moving quickly but is it or are we just more focused and intentional so we move through life in a more orderly and efficient way? Continue reading

Winds of change continue to blow

Winds of change continue to blowHilarion – I come on the wings of love! The winds of change continue to blow through every part of this ascending planet. It is a symbiotic process.

Humanity is beginning to notice that their entire ascending planet Earth and all her inhabitants are a part of a greater whole, and that whatever one person does, says, or thinks has an impact upon the entire population and the systems that have been in place. No longer can a person deny their responsibility to live a more ethical existence. Humankind must now awaken to this awareness. Continue reading

Pluto Stations Retrograde

Pluto Stations RetrogradeHenry Seltzer – Next Monday, May 1st, 2023, transformative Pluto is stationing retrograde at 0º + Aquarius.

Pluto only entered Aquarius a little more than a month ago, so we just got a small taste of the transformational vibes that it’s bringing to the collective around technology and humanitarianism.

Now, as Pluto stations retrograde, it will back-track and return to Capricorn on June 11th, where it will be until January, 2024. Pluto will do this little back-and-forth dance between Capricorn and Aquarius one more time next year, before landing in Aquarius to stay in mid-November of 2024. Continue reading