Stephen Lendman ~ Regime Change Begins At Home

Stephen Lendman March 30 2013

Charles Derber’s book by that title says it’s the only way to free America from corporate rule. It transformed America from “we the people” to what CEOs say goes.

It put monied interests in charge. Presidents, legislators, and high level bureaucrats serve them. Whatever they want they get. Institutionalized injustice follows. It’s longstanding. Vital change more than ever is needed.

America had previous corporate regimes. None match today’s extremism. Bold, creative strategies are needed to change things. Commitment creates possibilities. Nothing worth struggling for is easy. Failure to try assures disaster.

America’s on a fast track to full-blown tyranny. It’s a hair’s breath away. Preventing it is top priority. It begins with knowledge. It involves knowing what’s at stake.

Money power runs America. Fundamental freedoms are on the chopping block for elimination. Preventing it takes commitment.

Challenging authority is essential. Social movements are pivotal forces. They work. Abolitionists, labor movements, and civil rights activists proved it.

Collective activism has power. What better time to use it than now. America’s waging political, social, financial, and hot wars. It’s doing it globally. It’s happening at home and abroad. Constitutional protections are disappearing. America’s social contract is being destroyed.

Militarization, permanent wars, and unchallenged global dominance reflect policy. So does police state harshness. Dissent is endangered. Privilege is entrenched. Fundamental freedoms are eroding. Beneficial social change isn’t tolerated.

Electoral politics doesn’t work. Duopoly power runs America. Republicans and Democrats reflect two sides of the same coin. Not a dime’s worth of difference separates them. Throwing out bums assures new ones. It happens every time.

Names and faces change. Policies remain unchanged. They’re longstanding. They’re cruel, malicious and unjust. Washington is too pernicious, corrupt and dysfunctional to fix.

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