How to Change Your Life for the Better

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than your comfort zone.” -Billy Cox


Self Development Secrets – You have all of these beautiful ideas floating around in your mind when it comes to the things you want to do with your life but all too often we let things like fear of failure get in the way of bringing our dreams to physical form. We all know someone in our lives who talk endlessly about all the things they’re going to do but they never actually do them… This could be a family member, a friend, or maybe it’s you.

Changing Your Life

What makes change so scary is that it puts us in a state of not-knowing. If we want to change our career, for example, we may be scared because we’re leaving a stable position in pursuit of a passion that may take some time before it pays off. In fact, in the back of your mind, you may think that it will never pay off. This is terrifying! But if you never try you’ll be locked into a different state of not-knowing. A kind of state where you’re always wondering about what could be.

The question is: Which is worse? Taking a risk and not knowing if it’s going to turn out as you hoped, or playing it safe and not knowing whether or not you could be doing something more meaningful with your life. Continue reading