Space Fence Menace! Suborbital Servitude – Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland [Video]

In this exciting episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Chemtrails Expert Elana Freeland. Her classic book, Chemtrails HAARP & The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, is the definitive book on these suppressed subjects. Her new book, Under An Ionized Sky: Chemtrails & Space Fence Lock-down, is the first major in-depth examination of the murky covert program that has been under development since the 1980s. It started under the Reagan Administration where it was a major aspect of the SDI Star Wars Program.

Roots of the Space Fence: SDI Star Wars

When President Reagan announced that the US would be pouring vast resources into a major weaponization of Space with what he called the ‘Strategic Defense Initiative’ or ‘Star Wars’ it was widely assumed that it was meant as a missile shield program to deflect Nuclear Missile Launches from Russia. It’s true purpose may have had just as much to do with protecting the world from ‘An Alien Threat’ as Reagan suggested in a UN Speech, that would bring the world together to fight a common enemy. Continue reading

Empire Endgame, Digital Slave Population [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt interviews Former US Assistant Housing Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts about the intensely dangerous moves towards Transhumanist control that the Central Bankers making to attempt to fight the forces of populism that are exploding around the world. The overriding agenda is to push a Global Digital Currency.

She asks, “The question is, are we going to have a human or inhuman civilization?”

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The Chemtrail Cover-Up: Rosalind Peterson [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – After watching this video, the topic of chemtrails can no longer be relegated to the land of tinfoil hat “conspiracy theory”.

This is an extremely thorough, detailed and documented explanation of how chemtrailing is being conducted, who is responsible for it, who benefits and what the consequences are for our health and the environment, featuring Rosalind Peterson.

It was recorded in 2010 but the information will be fresh to most people, mostly due to her very clear presentation and complete guilelessness. Petersen is featured in the Independent Film, ‘Overcast’, which was released in 2014 and whose producers are still trying to garner the attention for it that it deserves. I only heard of the film last week.

Peterson grew up on a working farm and is a lifelong resident of Mendocino County in Northern California. She inadvertently stumbled across the high aerosol spraying phenomenon while working as a Certified US Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjuster in the early 1990s. Her job was to determine the cause of crop failures.

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Weather Warfare Biggest Threat to Life on Earth [Video w/ Transcript]

Wigington Greg Hunter – Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says the number one threat facing humanity is extreme weather modification to cool the planet.  It’s being done by geoengineering (commonly known as chemtrails) and it must be stopped now because it’s having the opposite effect.

Wigington says all climate engineering is really just “weather warfare” and explains, “How long can humans survive without habitat?  If we have an issue that is mathematically the greatest single assault launched by the human race against earth’s natural life support system, why wouldn’t we deal with that first and foremost above anything else?”

One scientific report shows that, at the current rate, life as we know it could end in 10 years. Dane contends, “That is not my data. That data is coming from the best and most recognized frontline arctic methane climate scientist.  Methane is the issue that is not being reported either.  That is the linchpin on our collective coffin if the atmosphere fills with enough methane.

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