Amazing Changes Within Yourself

Adeana M. Slater – We are continuing to feel the intense energies and we are feeling it both within and outside of ourselves. This means that the higher energy is influencing all aspects of our being. When you are receptive and open to the clearing out of old energy, you may experience hardship. It is actually normal to feel hardship and pain with soul clearing and the lessons that come with it.

It’s never to punish anyone, but it’s your soul choice to do so. Please know that any hardship you seem to overcome has not “come into play” to destroy you or make you weak. It’s quite the contrary. It’s a reminder that any soul challenges you endure and choose to overcome will only make you a stronger and more “prepared” to conquer similar challenges that you may face tomorrow. Continue reading

Reality Meets Clarity [Video]

illusionJennifer Hoffman – In this week’s video podcast you’ll learn some interesting things about clarity that may cause you to regret that you ever started on the clarity path. Rather than bringing us joyful enlightenment, clarity is often the rude awakening that shows us where our path has gone off track and instead of being on the path to joy we’re lost in the woods of despair. It shakes us out of our illusion, clears out the cobwebs of confusion, and makes the reality of our situation very clear indeed.

It’s the wake up call we need to make changes but that can only happen when clarity reveals the cold, hard truth of whatever is going on in our lives. We cleverly hide the truth behind a veil of illusion, living the life we think we have through false congruence, wishful thinking, and sometimes, closing our eyes to the truth and wishing it would go away. Continue reading

New Moon Update May 4 2019

New Moon is Saturday, May 4 at 4:45 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

new moonLena Stevens – This new moon is grounded and offers a chance to accept change as the norm rather than a random act.  As you become more aware of your process of growth, also become aware of a new sense of stability that comes from within instead of relying on the known and familiar aspects of your external environment.

This is a fertile time to set intentions around your commitment to become more aware, responsible, proactive and present. Work with the questions of who, where, what and with whom as an exercise to focus your awareness of where you are in your life right now. If you get clarity regarding a needed change, move into that change with ease and grace.

Blessings, Lena

Astrological Notes

♦  Taurus New Moon
♦  Sun in Taurus / Moon in Taurus 14º Saturn-day, May 4, 4:45 PM Mountain Daylight Time 10:45 PM Greenwich Mean Time Continue reading

Clarity Blessings

clarityJennifer Hoffman – As I wrote in the January Energy Report, which you can read here, January’s energies are all about clarity and that just makes things clear, it doesn’t do anything else. Clarity has its upside and downside. The upside is that we see things as they are. The downside is that clarity can reveal what we didn’t want to or could not see before. Clarity, like all universal principles, is non-judgmental, it is an absolute. But with clarity we know where we have been and where we stand now. And then we can start making plans for our next steps.

Clarity is a great gift that has wonderful blessings but don’t think they are good or wonderful all of the time. Blessings are also non-judgmental, they bless us with truth, light, awareness, information, knowledge, and understanding. Sometimes they open our eyes in ways nothing else can when we see the truth about our situation or about another person. Continue reading

January 2019 Energy Report

clarityJennifer Hoffman – So if you thought the new year is beginning with a big forward energy push and huge downloads for this very important new year, you’re right, it is. In fact, we have several things happening in January that contribute to the overall energy theme of the year, as well as a momentum that begins this month and builds all year long, leading us to January 2020.

January’s energy will help us get clear, awake, and enlightened with a pure focus on 2019’s theme of creativity. We’ll sail through the month best when we use its energy to concentrate on our intention, intuition, and vision for our life path. And we’ll do that by continuing to work on boundaries, connection, and congruence to create harmony, peace, and joy.

January’s first week features a new moon lunar eclipse that sets the stage for the year. In Capricorn, the sign whose traits include discipline, organization, structure, and success in the world. Do any of those themes relate to what we see happening in the world today? What structures are being dismantled? Who is in the news? ‘As above, so below, as within, so without.’ Continue reading