Bridging The Reality Gap

Wake Up World  March 11 2014

RealityGapHave you ever wondered why people struggle to make the leap to real awareness of what’s going on?

How can world conditions not completely startle someone into thinking clearly? Why do so few people seem to care about the dangers of the unreported radiation levels and toxic debris washing across the Pacific? Why are GMOs and EMFs considered sideline issues? How is it no-one but local residents raise the alarm about the horrific effects of the Gulf oil spill, and the poisonous seafood landing on American dinner tables?

As the Orwellian police state sweeps into place in the United States, the economy crumbles, and their faultless leader languishes on his latest vacation or exalted meeting, Americans are actually celebrating their entry into a brave new police state with minimal awareness of the true dangers – dissolving their health, wealth and chances for survival in an engineered conflagration of mythic proportions – that are already descending on their heads. Buried heads, I might add.

Sensory Overload and the Ostrich Effect

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Scientists Create False Memories

Jon Rappoport  August 6, 2013

MIT scientists have found a way to plant a false memory in rats. They can provoke a fear reaction by manipulating the content of neurons in the rat’s brains.

The rats remember something frightening that never happened.

Well, not exactly, if remembering implies a conscious act.

Pavlov did what the MIT scientists did. He used dogs. He got them to drool when he rang a bell signaling it was feeding time, even though there was no food. The dogs “remembered” times when the bell accompanied food.

Conditioned reflex.

But there is something conditioned reflex doesn’t cover. The act of remembering. The knowledge that you are remembering.

Why is this important? Because we’re talking about being conscious, being aware, which, the last time I looked, has something to do with being alive as a human.

Life as conditioned reflex is about machines.

What Pavlov did, what the MIT scientists did, is, on another level, all about a propaganda operation aimed at convincing the masses that life is nothing more than conditioned reflex. One program inserted into the mind is just as good as another program. It just depends what the desired behavioral outcome is.

So we’re talking about tyranny over the mind. Fascism.

“We can get you to remember anything.”

No. They can force conditioned reflexes.

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