DIY Therapeutic Baths That Can Change Your Life For The Better

“Borax is helpful for eliminating fluoride — use 1-3 tablespoons per bath.” – C Wright

bathIf you feel that your health could use a boost, or you need a little extra care, a healing soak is one of the best ways to regain equilibrium, shed toxins and calm the mind. A perfect medium for children and adults alike, therapeutic baths not only help you relax but also gently balance the system.

View any health spa menu and you will usually find an array of different healing soaks. From weight loss to detoxification and anti-aging, the variety available is impressive. All the same, enjoying a spa treatment more than once every so often is usually too costly for the average person. This is where the beauty of creating a restorative bath at home comes in. For pennies on the dollar, we can detoxify and alleviate health complaints, while easing tension and stress.

It’s easier than you may think, yet the benefits are vast.

Recipes for Health

As luck would have it, we need not travel extravagant distances, or spend great amounts of money, to reap the benefits of a therapeutic bath — it’s simple enough to recreate a healing spa experience in the privacy of our own home. Have a look at the following five examples for inspiration.


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Flower Pot Fridge [Video]


The world’s cheapest and easiest refrigerator to make, it uses minimal resources and runs completely without electricity. It’s called a zeer pot, or the pot-in-pot and was rebirthed by Mohammed Bah Abba, who put the laws of thermodynamics to work for mankind.

The zeer pot, is just two simple pots, one pot smaller than the other. The smaller pot is put inside the bigger pot, and we fill the space between with sand. We wet the sand twice a day and cover the top with a wet towell to keep warm air from entering the interior.

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The Radiation Cleansing Properties Of Bentonite Clay

Natural News | September 12 2012

BentoniteNatural News ~ Bentonite clay is known for many things, namely as a treatment for various mineral deficiencies, infections and even gangrene, but it’s also becoming widely popular as an aid against various kinds of radioactive damage and conditions. In its general uses, it can be used as a bulk laxative and to flush out impurities from the body due to its strong negatively charged ionic properties. It has amazing topical benefits as well, treating acne, open wounds, burns, and protecting against various rash inducing oils found in poison ivy or poison oak. Bentonite clay has become a very important natural resource for millions of people throughout the world, especially as our exposures to radiation have risen exponentially in this modern age.

Formed millions of years ago from the weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water, bentonite clay has developed into its present form by collecting various minerals critical to life from limestone formations or slow cooling temperatures which converted certain minerals to oxides easily burned by the human metabolism. It was further refined by a bountiful amount of plant life, carcasses and the hair of prehistoric creatures. It has been utilized for its many benefits by different indigenous tribes since prehistory. Some tribes like the Blackfoot and the Sioux referred to it as “Ee-Wah-Kee” or “The Mud That Heals.”

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