Clif High’s Interview (Last For Next Few Months) [Video]

Bix Weir – We’ve had great feedback from the Clif High interview with myself and “V.” So much so that everyone is clamoring for another one but as Clif stated in our chat – he’s taking a few months off on interviews to get some work done!

FYI…Now is the time that the real Webbot chaos is supposed to begin on the economic front so be ready for it. There’s a 10 day +/- window in his data so next week we should see the “clouds on the horizon.”

In case you missed all the juicy topics we discussed in the interview here it is again:

Alert: Clif High, Bix Weir & “V” – Hump Day Live

According to Clif, by next week we are looking at some SERIOUS economic Chaos so hang on to your Physical Silver and Physical Bitcoin as tight as you can…you will need them moving forward!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

SF Source March 2017

The Deep State is Dying [Video w/ Transcript]

Greg Hunter – Internet data mining expert Clif High says the world is witnessing the unmasking of the so-called “Deep State” and revealing it’s long held control over humanity. High explains, “The level of complexity of humans has increased, and that was the factor that the Deep State did not take into account.  They kept their rigid mindset, their rigid rules, their compartmentalization and kept everything so boxed in even they were unaware that humanity has evolved out and around their obstruction.  So, the Deep State is dying simply because the knowledge of it is so prevalent.  It can’t be stopped, and is growing exponentially, and, basically, the knowledge itself is going to crush the Deep State.”

High, who calls his data mining research “Predictive Linguistics,” says don’t expect the people who have had the power to go down without a fight. High says to expect “economic dirty tricks,” but High predicts “they backfire.”  High goes on to say, “The reason why they backfire is the same reason why the media tricks are backfiring is the population has evolved beyond the level of gaming the power elite are capable of. . . . So, the same kind of dirty tricks are not going to work anymore.  They are going to backfire as they each are tried.  We will see the trick to shovel debt into the population backfire on the power elite.”

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Clif High: We Stand At The Cusp, The Rest Is Up To Us [Video]

SGT Report – Clif High, the creator of the Web Bot project joins me to discuss world events, economics and the current state of the battle between free humanity and the blood sucking vampires who seek to destroy us. our far reaching conversation touches on everything from the extinction of the human race by 2030 to our potential to reach the stars.

Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Visit Clif’s site to support his work! Buy an Alta report for $15.

Copyright 2017 *Do not re-upload in whole or in part.*
Embedding is always welcome. Thanks!

SF Source Feb. 2017

2017 A Deeply Disturbing Year [Video]

highGreg Hunter – Internet data mining expert Clif High predicts 2017 will be a “deeply disturbing year.” High explains, “2017 will be a deeply disturbing year because the faction that won in placing Trump in power also defeated the other faction, which has been on a roll ever since the McCarthy era.

There has been push for centralization and a push for the control mechanism basically from Nazi infiltration into the United States at the end of WWII.  Tens of thousands came in and infiltrated the infrastructure of the United States.  So, we saw a push with the centralization of government, and if the Clinton faction had won, we would have seen a Hitler type of nexus where banking, political and military power would have been centrally joined. . . .

That faction has been defeated, and 70 plus years of directing the global narrative is gone.  It’s crashed. . . . . We are in a narrative vacuum at the moment. . . .  I think that everyone in the United States, at a core level, will be faced with an examination of what we think is true. . . . The faction that has won is not opposed to the general population learning the truth in terms of recent history and distant history.  The Hillary Clinton group represented global warming, carbon credits, and the Trump group represents the part of the deep state that knows we have to get ready to deal with a new ice age.  So, there are all sorts of levels that are going to be broken up that we thought were true.”

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