The Tragedy of Toleration

Molly Slag – Expending further effort to convince readers that we’re in a pickle seems like beating a dead horse, as most everyone sees that now. But among the many remaining puzzles that confront our minds, two are very salient: (1) Exactly how did we get ourselves into this mess, and especially pressing today, and (2) Can we vote ourselves out of this mess?

The second question is especially urgent. There remain only thirteen months to November 2024, when we cast our votes in the most critical election of our lives. Those intending to vote for Trump face many nagging questions. Will Trump really be on the ballot? Will he be in jail? Will courts declare him ineligible to run? Will he be alive? Will there be open civil warfare? These are intense questions with multiple possible answers. Continue reading

Biden Blocking Sun And Destroying Earth [Video]

Biden Blocking Sun & Destroying EarthGreg Hunter – Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington has dedicated his life to warning about the increasing dangers to the planet of climate engineering.  So, when the Biden Administration came out this week and said it was considering “blocking the sun to limit global warming,” it was a total lie to cover up the fact blocking the sun has been going on for decades because of the well-established science called geoengineering.

The technology used to block the sun is, in fact, destroying the Earth.  The signs include increasingly weird weather events such as oversized hail to toxic wildfires you are seeing in the news right now. So, why is the Biden Administration wanting to get geoengineering in the news when the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) lied about this climate destroyer by omission for years? Continue reading

Congressional Report Details Blocking Sunlight To Save The Planet

Tyler Durden (Zerohedge) – Despite the European Commission’s recent warning that large-scale interventions such as solar engineering to reverse ‘climate change’ could have “unintended consequences,” the White House published a new report Friday indicating that the Biden administration wants to manipulate planetary systems to block the sunlight to save the planet.

The congressionally mandated report released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy shows the Biden administration is very eager to explore “geoengineering” methods to block sunlight because they allege the planet is burning and there’s an imminent climate crisis that will destroy the world. Continue reading

The WEF Plan Massive Civil Unrest in U.S. This Summer

The WEF Plan Massive Civil Unrest in U.S. This SummerSean Adl-Tabatabai – The World Economic Forum have admitted they are organizing massive civil unrest in America this summer as part of a “summer of chaos“, which is designed to help usher in their Great Reset agenda.

The leaders of Extinction Rebellion (XR) and various other WEF-affiliated groups are planning a “summer of chaos” in the United States this summer, complete with a “large-scale civil disobedience campaign” of hunger strikes, road and highway blockages, and violence at federal properties. Continue reading

California Goes Over the Edge

Ted Noel MD – We’ve known for a long time that California is the land of fruits and nuts. Many of us have thought that it would be difficult for them become more insane. But recent actions by the Democrats in Sacramento lead us to understand that there is no limit to leftist insanity. And that shows that the same applies in D.C. As long as Democrats are in power, no one is safe.

The Solons of Sacramento have already passed regulations that will ban the sale of gasoline or diesel cars in thirteen years. But that’s not enough. In four years, over a third of all new cars sold will have to be electric. It doesn’t matter that electrics cost more than gas-powered cars. It just sounds so good and righteous. We’re going to clear all the pollution out of our air! Continue reading