200+ WHO-Funded Journals Call on WHO to Declare Climate Crisis

WHO Funded Scientists Want WHO To Declare Climate Crisis A ‘Global Health Emergency’Niamh Harris – The World Health Organization (WHO) has been urged to declare a “global health emergency” in response to the so-called “climate crisis.”

Editors of over 200 health journals funded by the WHO called on the United Nations’ global health body to declare a “global health emergency.”

InfoWars reports: “Over 200 health journals call on the United Nations, political leaders, and health professionals to recognise that climate change and biodiversity loss are one indivisible crisis and must be tackled together to preserve health and avoid catastrophe. This overall environmental crisis is now so severe as to be a global health emergency,” wrote the BMJ, a UK weekly peer-reviewed medical journal, in a statement on Wednesday. Continue reading

Climate Crisis. If real, what type of crisis is it?

Planetary Shift: Climate Crisis, What Climate Crisis?Open – The myth of manmade global warming has been well and truly exploded by the alternative media – it’s just another tool by the shadow to attempt to coral and lockdown. If anything the planet is cooling a degree, due to the Grand Solar Minimum we’re sailing through. But to say there’s no Climate Crisis, therefore, is highly blinkered. ALL of the atmospheres on all of the other planets in our solar system are changing radically, due to a Grand Galactic Convergence of cycles that are also greatly impacting our planet.

We need to grasp exactly what’s going on so we can equalize with it. So we can transcend it. Continue reading

The Climate Crisis Lie

The Climate Crisis LieNorman Rogers – In the early 1970s I was a disaffected youth. I began working at the nonprofit Zero Population Growth. We promoted the idea that exploding human population would soon make the world uninhabitable.

The president of our organization went on the Johnny Carson television show. Sacks of mail, often with checks, arrived. The psychological effect was intoxicating.

One of our directors, a college professor, suggested that vending machines could sell suicide pills as a method of reducing the population.  We did everything possible to shut that bad idea down. Not for moral reasons but to protect the organization. We wanted more members, more influence, and more money. Our motivation had changed from saving the Earth to getting more money and power. Continue reading