Creation Platforms & The Golden Web Of Creation

Christien 2010Since the start of the Earth Hive blog so much has developed to create the basis of our new reality.  The stages have moved from elemental re-creation, re-assimilation and re-purposing to today’s update of whole bodies of creation “platforms” reviving and emerging for the first time on Earth.

[Recently], a new creation platform (“creation platforms” explained more below) emerged, the Golden Web of No-Time Creation.  It is intricately linked to zero-point creation that comes from the unified heart experience of co-creation.  The Golden Web, though, is a specifically feminine-energy directed creation platform, one that reveals our deeper feminine nature, personally, globally and cosmically. Continue reading

Becoming A Conscious Co-Creator Of Your Life

“. . . our perception, intention and thoughts can change our experience of our life regardless of the situation.” L Young

HandFireDo you ever find yourself wondering why you are really here on the earth? Why did you come in as male instead of a female, or a female instead of a male? And out of all the possibilities, why did you find your way to a particular family?

Is it all random, or luck, or worse, bad luck that you had no control over? Or, is it part of a much larger brilliant Divine design that YOU were a part of creating?

The answer can be life changing.

The first answer can keep you locked in a place of fear and powerless-ness because something outside of you seems to have control over so much of you and your life. You can only hope or pray for good things to happen… The second answer hands you LIFE and, like a loving trusting parent, helps you create your life as you want and need it to be, with support and guidance. It trusts that you know what you most need.

Architect for the Soul Continue reading