Detoxing The Body Of Parasites

“Intestinal cleansing is also important to remove pathogens from the system. Focus on a high fiber diet with additions such as organic psyllium husk, flaxseed, chia seed and beetroot. Likewise, bentonite clay and activated charcoal help absorb and escort parasites out of the body.” C Wright

CoconutOilLinked with cancer, seizures, asthma and more, parasites are an invisible, yet very real, threat to health. Difficult to diagnose, physicians and medical personnel often miss the connection between a parasitic infection and serious disease. It is estimated that a majority of Americans harbor parasites contracted from food, water, pets and even the air we breathe. Herbal antiparasitic detox programs are an excellent solution and should be undertaken annually along with a weekly maintenance protocol, even if one enjoys good health.

Cleansing herbs and nutritional support

Parasites can infiltrate any system in the body, including the lungs, liver, heart, brain, spinal cord, blood, pancreas, skin, eyes, kidneys and uterus. The pathogens contribute to diabetes, poor cardiovascular health, chronic fatigue and a host of other disease. Due to the widespread problem of parasites, it’s essential that healthy individuals undergo a parasite cleanse at least once per year, or more if diseases are present. The following is a list of the top antiparasitic herbs and oils available: Continue reading

4 Proven Natural Weight Loss Tips For How To Lose Visceral Fat

Like most weight loss plans, achieving results requires dedication and commitment. Proven in clinical trials, this product safely  accelerates results obtained when combined with a healthy weight loss diet and exercise regimen.

CoconutOilIt’s not all about looking good. Roll your eyes if you must: everybody’s beautiful in some way. But visceral fat—fat inside the abdomen—is little more than a time bomb wrapped around a belly.Visceral obesity results in fatty acids accumulation in the pancreas, heart, liver, and other organs. This prevents proper organ function, causes improper insulin regulation, and even leads to heart attacks. But don’t stress; if you want to know how to lose visceral fat, try these 4 simple and natural weight loss tips.

How to Lose Visceral Fat – 4 Proven Natural Weight Loss Tips

1. Use Coconut Oil

Although coconut oil got a bad rap in the ‘70s for having high saturated fat content, human studies have shown that coconut oil helps reduce abdominal fat. In one instance, one group of women received 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks while the other received none. The group with coconut oil lost some girth and showed a healthy rise in “good” HDL cholesterol levels. As an added bonus, having coconut oil available can also allow you to experience oil pulling benefits.

Replace other cooking oils with coconut oil; it takes like butter (I promise) in baked goods and is mouth-watering in any stir-fry dish. Continue reading

Grilled Sweet Potatoes With Coconut Oil Drizzle

ReadyNutrition August 21 2013

Coconut oil

I love to grill! Preferably in climates where it doesn’t feel like hell on earth. Because that’s where I live right now. Hell. “Jesus, be a raindrop!”

But, sometimes I fight through it and get some yummy goodness out of the grill. Grilled sweet potatoes. Ever tried them? You should. I had not, but I’m glad I did because the result was delectable. Peel, cut, grill, drizzle. It’s that easy! And this yummy drizzle, if you let it sit outside while you are grilling, the coconut oil will undoubtedly transform into a liquid state. Just a hunch.

Yvearl’s Recipe: Grilled Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Oil Drizzle

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An Incredible Superfood: The Many Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Natural Society May 9 2013

If you haven’t noticed lately, the western world is on a bit of a coconut oil kick. It’s in all the popular blogs—from nutrition to hair care—and it’s no longer difficult to find a few different varieties of the oil in normal grocery stores. This is a good thing. Coconut oil should have never been demonized, as it was, and deserves a top spot in the natural health world.

Vilified Coconut Oil

Several decades ago, coconut oil was vilified. It was made to look like the “bad guy” in comparison with its competitors from the corn and soy industries. They were successful in their campaign to squash the coconut oil competition by highlighting it’s saturated fat content and tying that to heart disease. Now, however, coconut oil and its medium chain triglycerides (saturated fats) are back on top and being recognized for numerous health benefits.

The health benefits of coconut oil are amazing; the oil possesses antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties. The lauric, capric and caprylic acids within the oil are credited with many of these benefits. It’s the lauric acid, for instance, that is converted into monolaurin which in in turn fights the bugs associated with herpes, giardia, listeria, influenza, and even HIV.

Coconut oil benefits truly are many, and it doesn’t take much. Just a tablespoon or so a day could make significant differences in your health. Coconut oil for Alzheimer’s and dementia has been proven especially beneficial.

Coconut Oil Benefits – Topical Applications

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Can Coconut Oil Help Alzheimer’s Patients?

NaturalNews April 23 2013

Alzheimer's diseaseAlzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain condition that comes with a multibillion-dollar per year cost to the American public, and its takeover doesn’t seem to be slowing down. It is estimated that in 2013 alone, Alzheimer’s disease will cost Americans more than $200 billion. With its prevalence appearing to be at an all time high, it appears that the medical world and the public should be looking for better alternatives in regard to preventing its takeover. The Westernized approach to treating such a condition has some upsides, but many crucial factors seem to be left out of the overall equation – food (like coconuts) being one of these major areas to assess.

The effects of coconut oil on the brain

Coconut oil is an amazing food, and luckily, science has shown that it is among one of the most healing in nature. In regard to helping Alzheimer’s patients, the ketone bodies, which are given off when coconut oil’s fatty acids are metabolized by the liver, can be a perfect fuel source for the brain – a trait that can surely help Alzheimer’s patients.

A brain that has been impacted by Alzheimer’s disease cannot efficiently use glucose for fuel as it once did. Ketones help to solve this problem by providing a different fuel source that the brain can use instead.

Think of this “fuel swapping” arrangement much like how a hybrid car switches between gas an electricity – carbohydrates being the gas, and ketone bodies acting as the much cleaner, more efficient electricity.

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