Fragrances That Boost Cognitive Performance in Old Age

Scent of SleepBrooks Agnew – Of all the senses we love to indulge, scent is often neglected – but the right smells could be just what your brain needs to keep it whirring in old age.

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine recently uncovered strong evidence that enriching the air with fragrances improves cognitive performance by strengthening a critical connection between neurological areas involving memory and decision-making.

Their experiment, involving 43 men and women aged 60 to 85, suggests cognitive decline and conditions such as dementia might be slowed by simply diffusing a different choice of perfumes through the bedroom before bed each night. Continue reading

Tips for Preventing Cognitive Decline

cognitive declineThe brain is the most important part of your body, as without it you are unable to move, think, or feel. It is commonly referred to as the body’s control panel, so it is crucial that you take whatever steps you can to look after your brain. Many people are concerned about their cognitive decline as they get older, as dementia and cognitive impairment is increasing around the globe.

By the year 2050, it is predicted that there will be approximately 2 billion people aged 60 and over who will suffer from cognitive decline, making up 22 percent of the world’s population. With these worrying statistics, it is no surprise that people are seeking ways to protect their cognitive abilities. Here are five tips on how you can prevent cognitive decline. Continue reading