Get On With It – The Great Frustration

collectiveSteve Rother – You are magic. Each of you holds a special form of magic, something that you specifically brought from Home. You intended to focus your entire life on bringing it to Earth, and you are starting to re-member that in new ways. This is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, where each of you can start to re-member your true power and step into it even the tiniest bit. Your actions and commitment are what creates your world in front of you, for these are new times.

We will share a little bit of what lies before you right now so that you can view it from our perspective. When you do this, dear ones, you fall in love with humanity. There are times when you turn on your television sets and see that the world according to your belief systems is a mess. It appears everyone is going in different directions. Although you cannot see what is truly taking place, we do so we will share that with you. These are amazing times that may also a little bit challenging for many of you. You do not quite understand what is taking place. These changes are happening in many different areas simultaneously, but we will only share with you one that is making a difference in your own reality.

Many Governments Do Not Represent the Collective Heart of Humanity

You have this wonderful thing taking place in the United States called your presidential elections. Oh my goodness, we cannot wait to watch all of this mayhem that you are preparing. This is a massive journey into what we are not quite sure. Continue reading

Psychiatry: Erase The Unique Individual

“There are cultural myths that are easy to overturn. People see through them quickly. But the prevailing core myths are tougher. Much tougher. Most people resist even discussing them. In the old days, the Church tortured and burned people who discussed them. Now, it’s social ostracism. Now, in some cases, it’s the State kidnapping children to send a message.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

peopleJon Rappoport – Since none of the 300 official mental disorders has any defining physical test for diagnosis, there is no proof they exist. Period.

You could interview thousands of people who say they feel depressed, and you would find significant differences. The more you listened to their stories, the more you would be convinced of the differences.

You would be splitting apart the central idea of “depression” and realizing it has no common center.

This is hard for many people to believe. That’s how brainwashed they are.

There are no common universal states of consciousness. It’s all unique, from person to person.

Just as there is no single enlightened state of consciousness which is the same for everyone, there are no “mental disorder” states that are the same for everyone.

Keep in mind that a dominant myth is supposed to be powerful. It’s supposed to suck in the majority of the population. It’s supposed to be convincing. It’s supposed to be “intuitive.” “Mental disorders” are that kind of myth. It appeals to people. They like it. They salute it. They fall for it. Continue reading

June 2015 Energy Forecast

You And The Universal Energy Field

goingLee Harris – Hi and welcome to the Energy Forecast for June 2015. Let’s all take a breath together before we start this conversation. (Breathing deeply in and out)

And another one for luck. (Deep breath in and out)

It feels to me this should be a mandatory exercise for us as a society at the moment. It would be good for us if every hour or two we were coming together in groups and consciously breathing together, because the intensity of everything ramped up considerably in the end of May and early June period.

Astrologers will talk about the fact that we’re in a very big Mercury retrograde. And so what you see in parallel to that is a certain amount of chaos and confusion that is reigning in the macro of our world and also reigning over the micro of our own inner personal worlds.

So on the macro, in just the last few weeks we have seen a considerable amount more reporting on the amount of animal species or plant species that are dying off. There are also intense debates and arguments going on between governments and people around deals and laws that are being passed that people do not want, because of the destruction to the environment or human rights.

So it’s a time of very intense feelings and there is an of energy wave of push/pull at the moment. The pattern seems to be One step forward, one step backward and occasionally a step sideways. So the idea of ‘progression’ is not so strong right now on Earth. Generally what we’re seeing is more of an implosion.

Implosion births New Energy

Progression and New Energy will follow this implosion. Continue reading

Simon Vorster ~ The 7th Pluto Uranus Square Alignment – The Final Shift

An incredible time of our collective evolution is about to come to into culmination. The after-effects of the 7th Pluto Uranus Square planetary alignment will bring to humanity a state of awareness that will create a shift in perspective of a magnitude that has never been experienced in our recorded history. In this article I would like to share with you some personal insight into this alignment, its history, and where I believe we all, as a collective consciousness, will be heading.

The first of the seven Pluto Square Uranus alignments took place in 2012 and since then have progressively reflected to us the lifting veils of our perception of reality – the ongoing shifting of our collective consciousness. Now, as the 7th and final Pluto Uranus Square takes place for us on the 16th of March 2015, these two planets will be making their final tension angle with each other at 15’17” of Capricorn/Aries. To gain some perspective into this very powerful and important alignment I would like to start sharing with you the point of origin and what it meant for us.

The vibrational pattern of the awakened soul is here. Our job going forward is to anchor it into the collective consciousness. Who is with me?

Pluto Uranus Square – Awaken Humanity!

2012 ~ The Beginning

collectiveOn the 26th June 2012, we experienced the first Pluto (evolution) Uranus (de-conditioning) Square which set in motion what was to be very transformative journey for humanity. Think back to that time in your life. Did your perspective and view on life shift in any way? An internal clock started ticking and brought to the surface all these interesting emotions. This aspect for humanity symbolizes the progressive realization of the true essence and embodiment of what we are: multi-dimensional beings, incarnating in human form to experience the beautiful magnitude of Life.

This new understanding brought with it the need to cleanse and clear the collective distortions that we carry within us. As I mentioned, we are returning back home to what we actually are, but we have also had to move through the energetic debris we have personally and collectively gathered. Continue reading

Which Timeline Is Yours?

Toward Chakra 8 | November 1 2012 | Thanks, Annette


There is much confusion surrounding the subjects of;- ascension;- removal of the Illuninati and their negative ET allies from the Earth;- cleansing of the mother Earth;- and “Going Home” for the Starseed volunteers who have been working as “Ground Crew” for The Galactic Federation Of Light (GFL) on the Earth.

Many people believe that they will play a part in bringing about all of these end results, but this is not the case. Different timelines will result in different outcomes for the inhabitants of the Earth, dependant on what we collectively choose and continue to choose.

Many people also cannot see how Mother Earth can possibly be cleansed, and all of the damage inflicted upon her and us, by the dark ones, put right by the 21st December 2012; now only weeks away. They are right, it is going to take years to clean up the biosphere and install new, benevolent infrastructure on the Earth. It will also take time for people to adjust to all these far-reaching changes.

Our collective destiny is not written in stone; it is created by our collective desires; beliefs and visualisations of the future, which has no real existence until we create it in this way. Every time we make a collective choice, we create a new timeline that will result in that outcome, but we have to remain focussed on that desired outcome for it to manifest.

On the Earth, there are three main groups of Lightworkers that are concerned with different aspects of “The Shift”, and that are collectively visualising three different desired outcomes.

The first of these groups is the one that creates the 3D timeline, and it consists of the millions of Starseeds from the GFL who are working on the Earth toward the continuation of the 3D Earth, with the ejection of the Illuminati controllers and their Negative ET allies;- disclosure of the presence of the GFL around and upon the Earth;- and the cleansing and transformation of the Earth’s biosphere, with the help of the advanced technology of the GFL, over a period of years. On completion of this, these Starseed Earthworkers will re-ascend to their respective ships or planets.

Continue reading