Psychopathic Narcissism & Pathological Collectivism

Red Ice Radio – Mikkel Clair Nissen is an anti-collectivism activist and author of the book, Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed, a controversial exposé and carefully detailed description of the awful emotional mind game that facilitates communism, socialism, and social-liberalism, known as collectivism. The book exposes Denmark, the supposed happiest nation on earth, for what it truly is: collectivism’s biggest propaganda hoax.

Danish author Mikkel Clair Nissen tells the hidden facts and realities of life in Denmark’s democratic-socialism that they don’t want you to know. We’ll hear about how he began waking up to the dark side of Denmark. Continue reading

The Individual Vs. The Planned State [Audio]

RedIceRadio  December 1 2013

sf_2014Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of the web site He returns to discuss the ongoing conspiracy to collectivize humanity. Collectivism isn’t about a mass outpouring of share and care and is not what will bring freedom.

We’ll discuss collectivism as a psyop and the usual prose formulated around this grand psyop. Jon explains the historical roots of collectivism that has tentacles in government, education and social sciences. Then, we talk about how the Individual is fading out as a concept.



Individualism is becoming a myth, which plays in perfectly to facilitate the agenda of the “planned state.” We talk about why the state hates the individual. Jon also elaborates on how collectivist reality is being manufactured and accepted.

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Mind Control, The Shell Game, And The Stealth Gods

Jon Rappoport April 9 2013

collectivismOf the many definitions of collectivism, this simple one is my favorite: “The practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.”

When I was starting out as a reporter 30 years ago, one of my first editors sat down with me and said, “ In America, collectivism is what the government does to people to make them deaf, dumb, and blind, so the corporations can steal everything from them.”

He went on to tell me, off the record, that his paper wasn’t interested in collectivism, only the corporations. That was his line in the sand.

An early assignment was interviewing a congressman. As I sat in a tony cafe with him, an idea kept buzzing in my head: he was giving things away that weren’t his to begin with.

I couldn’t make that idea sharper. It was a stray thought, and it kept nagging at me, long after the interview was done. It somehow reminded me of the classic shell game. Three shells, one pea. Guess which shell is hiding the pea. What if the pea isn’t there at all?

I realized I was trying to understand something about collectivism, the psychology of it. Another image struck me: the old telephone game, where one person whispers a phrase to another, and that person passes it on, until the last person announces what he’s heard; and of course now it bears no resemblance to the original message.

How about starting the game with no message at all? You just make a kind of hissing mumble. And the last person in the circle emerges with “life is good.”

That’s a metaphor for collectivism.

Collectivism is a system by which people give each other what they don’t have.

If this seems like a magic trick, it is. It’s magic founded in mind control.

Collectivism is rife with contradictions. That’s why it bedevils the incurious mind and comes to dominate it.

People who don’t have freedom, because they renounced it, somehow give it to each other. People who don’t have money give it to each other. People who don’t have power give it to each other.

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Ready? Let’s Pretend Collectivism Doesn’t Exist

Jon Rappoport’s Blog | January 4 2013

Let’s all get together and pretend Collectivism doesn’t exist, it’s an outmoded idea, and only the USSR ever took it seriously.

Actually, denying the reality of Collectivism is already a powerful collectivist movement in America. It has been for some time.

There is a good reason for this. The word collectivism has hideous connotations. It suggests that political power, at the top of the food chain, intends to hold down people who can make a living on their own.

It suggests that these entrepreneurs, especially if they can garner significant profits from their efforts, are evil and selfish. They are intentionally screwing over “the less fortunate.”

It’s all right for a majority of Congress and even the president to believe these hideous things, along with the three or four quadrillion people who hold down civil service government jobs, but they can’t say it.

Well, with Obama, we have to amend that. Our leaders can say these things now. They can say that everybody has to feed from a common trough. They can say that any neighborhood in America where most of the residents have savings accounts is a criminal enterprise, and should face RICO prosecution, unless it “alters its unbalanced population demographic.”

They can say that unless everyone is free and happy and taken care of, no one should be free. (Except actors and politicians.)

So they’re letting the cat out of the bag, and that’s why we need more of us to step up to the plate and declare that Collectivism in America doesn’t exist. To provide cover for our leaders.

We all want to help this massive denial persist, don’t we?

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The Madness Of A Lost Society 3 [Video]

SGTbull07 | November 26 2012

Another ‘Black Friday’ has come and gone. And it has left us with further evidence of the complete madness of the populace of our nation. America has been dealt a fatal blow by corporate greed, Bankster malfeasance and the insidious nature of collectivism — and it’s all been done to us by design.

The once proud and independent people of the United States have, in large part, been reduced to servants of the State. As Aldous Huxley famously noted, “People can actually be made to love their servitude.”

Featuring Mike Krieger, Rob Kirby, Chris Duane, Gerald Celente, Bill Murphy and many others, ‘Madness 3’ offers one last ‘fair warning’ for those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear.