Putin Slams ‘Dangerous Soros’ For Driving America Towards Civil War

SorosBaxter Dmitry – Vladimir Putin has warned the United States that George Soros is driving the country towards civil war, using divisive politics, violence and media propaganda to further his goals.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting in the Kremlin, President Putin told senior advisers that George Soros is using his vast network of agitators to target America’s most sensitive points and cause turmoil.

“Make no mistake, his endgame is revolution through civil war. In America he is using exactly the same tactics he uses everywhere. “

“George Soros is a well-known pyromaniac with matches in his back pocket pouring petrol onto a bonfire.” Continue reading

Hurry, Kill the Messenger: Hacker Exposes Soros’ Evil Plans for World Domination

Daisy Luther – Is there an IQ test to be one of the so-called “global elite“?  Do you need to show a certain level of intelligence or an ability to learn? Because yet another email hack, this time from the account of the ever-creepy-movie-villain-poster-boy George Soros, has aired some dirty laundry that he’d probably rather keep in the hamper.

sorosWhen you’re rubbing your grimy little hands together and plotting to take over the world, you probably shouldn’t do it by email. Because someone, somewhere is going to hack you. Rest assured, George, the mainstream media will have your back with a little bit of clever propaganda, blaming the hacker and not the supervillain.

After the DNC leaks and the Hillary Clinton leaks, wouldn’t you think that those with a lot of shady secrets to keep would increase their security? Even my teenage daughter knows that the internet is forever and that she should always assume anything sent via the net should be considered to be public, even if it is supposed to be a conversation between friends.

Why on earth would someone as sketchy as George Soros, the “architect and sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years” according to DC Leaks, not be a little bit more careful with the information he and his organization share online? You’d think that a pro-globalist  billionaire who has been trying to take over the world via shadow government for decades would be just a little bit more savvy than this.

Zero Hedge reported on the findings in the Soros leak:

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Inauguration Riots and Domestic Terrorism Planned

livesJames Gilliland – To the people planning these events – Black Lives Matter, DNC backed and Soros funded provocateurs – I want to begin by saying I have always been anti corrupt government and have a long history of fighting it.

I know their ways, the psyops programs and how they work. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt you are being duped. You are working towards the goals of the Illuminati, the one world government, which is presently laughing at your ignorance.

Who do you think is funding these operations? I would read Brave New World and Farenheight 451 as well as watch the movie Time Machine. You are acting like the Eloi controlled by the Morlocks and the mainstream news are the sirens. The ones funding these events are worse than the Morlocks (human flesh eating beings that raise the Eloi like cattle). At least the Morlocks did not engage in Satanic Blood Rituals involving human sacrifice, pedophilia and other decadent activity.

Everything is not as it seems and many have been misled, lied to and duped into attacking the very people coming forward to put an end to this. The NYPD, the FBI has all of this information on file concerning the behavior of your leaders, those who in error you look up to. They are being forced to cover it up. It will come out and those who follow these leaders are going to be shocked, embarrassed and angry once they find out the truth.

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George Soros’ War on America: Time to Prosecute the Billionaire’s Global Crime Spree

William F. Jasper – “Not My President! Not My President!” Day after day, in cities from coast to coast, the chanting mobs of rioters have illegally blocked streets and freeways, set fires, thrown Molotov cocktails, injured police officers, destroyed property, and defaced public buildings with graffiti.

Portland, Oregon, a bastion of “progressive” Democrats, has been the epicenter of much of the violent action aimed at president-elect Donald Trump. Of course, as we have previously reported, not only did most of the Portland rioters who were arrested fail to register to vote, a large percentage of them appear to be professional, paid protesters.

Many of them, no doubt, were hired in response to the advertisements for paid anti-Trump protesters that appeared on Craigslist and other media in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Boston, Denver, Philadelphia, New York, and elsewhere. Many of these “spontaneous” protests/riots would not have occurred without organized efforts involving hundreds of busses transporting thousands of protesters/rioters, many of whom appear to have travelled across state lines.

Many of the anti-Trump rioters, then, would appear not only to have violated state laws against rioting and inciting to riot, but also federal law against the same crime. Specifically, the rioters could be (and should be) charged under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2101, which provides

(a) Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent —

(1) to incite a riot; or

(2) to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or

(3) to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or

(4) to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot….

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It Looks Like George Soros is Funding the Trump Protests Just Like He Funded The Ferguson Riots

Daisy Luther – Paid instigators are making an already bad situation much much worse.

As riots and protests rage through the streets of America, the question has to be asked:

Does someone behind the scenes want to see civil war in the United States?

The answer is almost certainly yes.

And it isn’t likely to settle down anytime in the next few days. (If you aren’t prepped for this, go here to learn how to stay safe.)

Just a little background: this has been going on since the midst of the campaign when actors were hired on Craigslist and trained to disrupt rallies.

For example, one Craigslist ad was answered by Paul Horner, who admitted he was paid $3,500 to cause a scene at a Trump event in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Continue reading