Common Core Opt-Out Movement Growing

common coreTJ Martinell – Nationwide opposition to Common Core is on the rise, and more and more students and parents are choosing to opt-out on their own.  According to a story by U.S. News & World Report over half a million school-aged children opted out of Common Core standardized testing last year. In New York around a fifth of students simply didn’t take the tests.

In November 2013, Federal Education Secretary Arne Duncan attributed opposition to Common Core to “white suburban moms” who discovered that “all of a sudden, their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought.”

Like so many federal bureaucrats, Duncan was dead wrong, as USA News reports the opt-out movement reflects widespread distaste crossing demographic lines:

When the opt-out movement first gained traction in 2014, it was initially dismissed by some educational policymakers as a movement primarily taken up by middle-class white families concerned that new standardized tests would reveal their children to be lower-achieving than once thought. Data from New York, for example, suggests that those opting out tended to come from more affluent areas and are more likely to be white.

However, data from Ohio have shown a much more inclusive movement, representative of the state population. Early evidence from 2016 suggests that the movement has been gaining momentum in communities of color – the Seattle chapter of the NAACP issued a statement in support of opting out, and principals in New York City have publicly voiced support for giving parents the right to opt out.

Teachers have also indirectly expressed their opposition to Common Core, emailing parents about how their students can opt out without fear of punishment.

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William Kennedy ~ North Carolina House Votes To Drop Common Core

“The primary committee amendment to the bill sets forth the principle that North Carolina by its constitution is responsible for the education of the citizens of the state and it will not cede or limit state control in exchange for federal funding for the public schools.” ~W. Kennedy

CommonCoreCartoonWednesday, the North Carolina House passed a bill that would end the state’s involvement in Common Core educational standards, effectively nullifying its implementation within the state. The vote was 78-39.

House Bill 1061 (HB1061) went through two hectic days. On Tuesday, the House Education Committee rewrote the original bill removing a number of sections that Common Core opponents wanted out of the bill. They voted 27-16 to send the bill to the House floor, where it passed today on second and third readings.

Representatives opposing the bill on the House floor were worried that scrapping Common Core would leave North Carolina with no state standards for education. However, both primary sponsors of the bill, Reps. Larry Pittman and Michael Speciale assured the other members that that was not the case.

Common Core standards would continue to remain in place for the next year while North Carolina State Board of Education rewrites the standards for North Carolina’s schools. The reasoning behind the delay in scrapping Common Core is to smooth the transition back to a state-controlled curriculum. This would give the schools enough time to jettison the Common Core standards that have been foisted upon them without any undue harm being done to the development of students.

The primary committee amendment to the bill sets forth the principle that North Carolina by its constitution is responsible for the education of the citizens of the state and it will not cede or limit state control in exchange for federal funding for the public schools. Continue reading

Why Common Core Must Be Opposed [Video]

corbettreport  May 27 2014

The Common Core educational initiative, according to its official website, strives to provide “a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy.” Its critics, however, see it very differently.


This opposition, led by professors of education, mathematicians, former members of the Department of Education, the largest teachers’ union in the country, and countless other professionals, is seeking to derail this educational agenda before it can fully take over schools across the United States.

Why are these groups opposed to Common Core, and what is Common Core’s real purpose? Find out more in this week’s Eyeopener report.

New York Revolts Against Common Core

TheNewAmerican  February 7 2014

CommonCoreStandardsThe deeply controversial nationalized education scheme known as “Common Core,” pushed by the Obama administration and billionaire Bill Gates, is under major pressure in the establishment-stronghold state of New York. With parents, teachers, unions, and political leaders from across the political spectrum in open revolt, some analysts even say that the widely criticized school standards may be on the verge of being scrapped — a development that would represent a massive blow to the ongoing imposition of Common Core nationwide.

Now, after listening to an outraged public in a series of 11 forums held across New York, state lawmakers are getting ready to file a bill that would slam the brakes on the scheme. In a phone interview with The New American, New York State Assemblyman Al Graf, a member of the Assembly Education Committee, explained that the coalition of legislators had no choice but to take action to stop the “disaster” that Common Core has foisted on the state. “This is state-sponsored child abuse,” he said.

The legislation, set to be introduced next week in both chambers, would impose a three-year moratorium on the standards. It would also create a committee with all relevant stakeholders, who would study the issue and then come up with recommendations: Either ditch Common Core entirely, or create new state standards that would conform to the national scheme pushed by Washington. “For now, it stops the abuse of our children,” explained the Republican lawmaker, a former police officer who has a degree in elementary education.

“We listened to teachers and parents and engaged in a conversation to find out what was going on with the implementation of Common Core,” Graf said about the 11 public hearings on Common Core held by lawmakers. “This has been a total mommy movement, where moms are seeing the effect on their children and standing up and saying ‘we’re not going to let you do this.’ ” Throughout the hearings, he said, parents and educators spoke out firmly against Common Core.

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Government Schools Common Core Indoctrination

BATR  February 5 2014


Over the last half century, the public school establishment in America has achieved enormous results, if the intention was to dumb down the population. The term public is archaic, since the current age promotes an internationalist interdependency culture, where the state defines institutional roles and sanctions accepted standards. The public plays virtually no effective role in this process. For this reason the proper term to use is government indoctrination centers. Bringing back the McGuffey Readers as the alternative to the state syllabus of common core is a step in the right direction. Our Dysfunctional Public Education Is No Accident essay lays out the correct standard.

“Education needs to be about teaching the tools, methods and process of “How To Think”. The mission of the instructor is one of developing the intuitive nature of inquiry that is natural in every person. Training the intrinsic urge of curiosity as the means of discriminating and rational thought is the prime goal for the educator. But to achieve this level of tutoring the teacher must be founded in their own understand in logic and analytical thinking. In today’s classroom, social engineering has replaced Aristotle, Locke and Kant with the latest celebrity of multiculturalism.”

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