The Sacred Science Of How Manifesting Works

Jafree Ozwald | September 21 2012

“The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.” ~Florence Scovel Shinn

Everyone has the natural ability to manifest anything they desire into their life. It’s just that we were not taught this truth growing up, and we were unconsciously programmed with so much information that we have simply forgotten our innate manifesting magnetic power. The reality is that you are overflowing with magical power, yet it is deep “asleep” inside you. When you understand how this sacred manifesting knowledge works, and you apply the manifesting exercises at the end of this article, this amazing power will ignite and become awakened.

Whatever you hold your focus upon, you are manifesting THAT into your life. If you are always focusing on what you DON’T want to think, feel, or experience then you’ll see that is exactly what you are manifesting. When you remain centered, peaceful and focused on what you DO want, you’ll see your greatest dreams and desires manifest into your world. It’s that simple! The real question is knowing how to keep your mind focused on the thoughts you want, and off the thoughts and feeling that you don’t want.

You may have noticed that within each moment your mind is constantly trying to get somewhere else or achieve something. It is always in a constant state of effort. Always dreaming, envisioning, imagining, and creating some experience of life for you to experience. Your mind is very busy, continuously creating a field of energy that attracts more of that same type of energy. If you’re feeling in a positive uplifting mood, you’ll tend to think, feel, and attract happier more positive thoughts and uplifting situations. Like attracts like, and based on how you are “vibrating”, the world outside becomes a physical mirror and manifestation of the energy inside you.

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