Does Positive Thinking Free Us From the Matrix?

Frank M. Wanderer – On a bleak weekday of your spiritual Journey you arrive home, full of stress and frustration, and open the mailbox. It is, as usual, full of advertisement brochures. You are about to throw them all in the dustbin, but what you read on the cover of one of them raises your attention. You read the following:

positive thinkingPositive thinking makes you happy! Happy, because you can always look at yourself like you are looking at a miracle. Positive thinking is the magnet of happiness. If you think of something, you will start attracting it. If your thoughts are beautiful, you will attract beautiful things, whereas if you are looking at the world pessimistically, your whole life will be a tragedy. Change it, and you will be happy!”

Yes, that is what is missing from your life: happiness! You read the rest of the text on the page with interest:

The five main points of positive thinking

  1.  I am existing in this world in order to fulfill my mission.
  2. I achieve what I really want–I want things that are positive for me and advance me in life.
  3. In the course of my development I need practice, experience and insight.
  4. I am able to convert my negative emotions and thoughts into positive ones.
  5.  I am capable of loving myself, even with my weaknesses and faults.

If you wish to experience these five points, your life will be happier, more wholesome and harmonic.

You are invigorated by what you have read, you believe that you are alive, first time for several days, and the world around you is beautiful. You decide that from now on you will think positively, and with the power of positive thinking you will be able to change your life.

Is That Really True?

We suggest that we should together have a closer look at those positive thoughts. Continue reading