A total eclipse of sanity: America under the spell of mass hysteria

cancerMike Adams – The total eclipse of sanity is now under way across America. Mass hysteria has gripped the minds of the gullible, many of whom now hallucinate their “reality” on a moment-by-moment basis.

Before the Charlottesville violence, the entire Left of America was hallucinating Russians behind every corner. Now, they’re hallucinating Neo-Nazis everywhere they look. This isn’t hyperbole, either: The hysterical Left is quite literally hallucinating almost everything they now believe: That all Trump supporters are Hitler-saluting Nazis; that all White people are racists; that America is still a slave-ownership nation; that Civil War statues might come to life and put them all back in chains, and other absurdities.

Never in the history of our country have so many people been brainwashed to believes such obvious absurdities and lies. That’s because never before in our nation’s history has the globalist-run fake news media been so determined to undermine America and everything it stands for. The goal of the twisted, anti-America media as it operates today is to indoctrinate the masses with ginned-up hatred, intolerance and violence so that the nation can be thrust into a civil war from which radical Marxism, communism and Left-wing totalitarianism can sweep into power.

Mass hypnosis generates two kinds of hallucinations

Mass hypnosis generates two kinds of hallucinations: Continue reading

The Last Confirmation Bias Test of This Election

scottadamsdilbertScott Adams – Last year in this blog I told you that Trump would change more than politics. I said he would forever change how you view reality. I’ll prove that to you today with a fun experiment.

At the end of this post I will give you a link to a very short video clip showing Hillary Clinton getting off her jet and into her car. Trump supporters will say she looks like she is drunk, or unsteady for some other health-related reason. And they will say it is obvious. Now try showing the clip to a Clinton supporter and watch how they see nothing wrong with the way she is walking.

Who is right?

The answer is that you have no way to know. Personally, I can see it both ways, depending on what frame of mind I’m in. When people on Twitter say she looks drunk, and I look at the clip immediately after they prime me, she indeed looks drunk. When my Clinton-supporting friend says he sees nothing unusual about her walking, suddenly it looks fine to me too.

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