Our Connections with Others are Important

Marcia Sirota – Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of making connections with others. We all really need them, but it seems that people are more disconnected than they’ve ever been.

connectRecently, I had a conversation with the psychotherapist Megan Bruneau, for my Ruthless Compassion podcast. She’s also noticed how people are lonelier and alienated these days.

In her practice, Ms. Bruneau has observed how disconnection and isolation lead to problems such as depression, anxiety, even psychosis. Her recommendation was that we make more of an effort to connect with each-other daily.

Sadly, our consumerist society has resulted in people increasingly seeing each-other as objects to exploit and take advantage of, when all we really need is to connect with one-another.

Why Do We Seek Friends?

More and more, people are being reduced to one basic function: as a source of money, social status, political or career advancement, or sex.

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, April 23, 2015

Taken after an earth day tree ceremony when a rainbow appeared – Photo by Annie

Crescent Moon in Cancer: challenge, adventure

Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands The Mind)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East, God of The Quest)

Skill: find a key

True Alignment: clearing inner clutter, connecting things, clear and honest communication, sharing ideas, making or understanding something more sophisticated, expressions of devotion, high value for personal freedom and personal expression, bringing warmth to situations

Catalysts for Change: regression, cluttering things up emotionally and physically, naivete, losing sight of a goal, feelings of unworthiness/lack of support/appreciation, temptation to go off track, racism

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “the music of the spheres” Continue reading