Start By Remembering

lifeVeronica – Living your current reality can be tedious and difficult. Interacting with other incarnates can become confusing, especially when their actions are questionable. How can one maneuver through such a maze of energy with clarity?

Start by remembering that all who are incarnate are wearing a costume. Each life is represented through the flesh and dramatics of the linear environment. Often the perception of what one observes may not be the real energy at all. Many forget where they came from. Many lose sight of the roots of their existence. Many hold the belief that the current life is the core of their awareness. Many do not realize the multiple dimensionality of their true selves. Continue reading

The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You

seeZen Gardner – There’s no question about it. We’re there. And I’m not just talking about the globalist takeover bid they’re hastily and clumsily trying to execute.

The awakening is erupting.

Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity. This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs is a massive arousal of the human spirit, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realization and empowerment.

Most may not recognize these rising seemingly confusing energetic changes as being the creative process at work, but it is. Awakening is first of all a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress. These two dynamics work concurrently.

When you stand back and observe with washened eyes you’ll see it, and it brings great peace in the midst of these stormy times.

What Price Awakening?

Being awake comes with a price, and it may have been upped a bit or even a lot lately. You’re being worked on. Letting go and getting the most out of challenging circumstances and conditions is vital to growth. Don’t fight it, whatever you do. Continue reading

Learning To Step Outside The Snow Globe Of The Mind

SnowGlobeRemember those beautiful snow globes that fit in the palm of our hands when we were young?  We would shake them every chance we got, only to be delighted by the falling snow over the miniature scene inside.  Now imagine a very big snow globe, a life-size transparent sphere, where the glass is the unconscious fear we were conditioned into and the falling snow is our thoughts about life.  When we were very young, we had no attachment to the thoughts in our heads.  We could watch thoughts, feelings and events pass through our experience like falling snow.   As we grew up, we became trapped inside the snow globe of our minds, identified with our thoughts, and have been living there ever since.

Outside the snow globe, there is spaciousness, connection, understanding, and compassion.  Inside the globe, there is struggle, fear, and endless suffering.   Most everyone is caught inside the snow globe and not even aware they are in it.  It is the place where the struggling self turns everything into a problem, constantly trying to fix, change, or rearrange life.  When we were young, we got scared and have been desperately trying to figure it all out, but we don’t know how to figure it out, so we keep trying and trying.   We are like fireflies in the bottom of a jar, pinging themselves against the edge because they desperately want to get out, but don’t know how.  The fireflies at the bottom of the jar don’t realize that the cover is off and they can fly out at any time if they will only become curious.  We are like the fireflies that don’t yet see there is a way out of the globe of struggle. Continue reading