Reasons Why Emotionally Intelligent People Never Retaliate

karmaConscious Reminder – Most of us probably believe that avenging ourselves when others hurt us will give us the satisfaction and closure we’re looking for but this is simply not true.

Those who are actually strong are well aware that if they let karma do its job, those who have hurt them will be well taken care of. The world works on the maxim ‘what goes around comes around’ so there’s no need to get your hands dirty.

Keep reading to find out exactly why you shouldn’t be trying to get even.

1. It’s much more satisfying to watch karma take care of it

The universe does give you your just desserts so whoever hurts others will find themselves in the same position at some point. Karma is frighteningly accurate and all the bad the person has done will come right back to them. You will get much more satisfaction just watching that person tear themselves apart.  Continue reading

New Insight Into The Law Of Karma

OwenKWatersThe Law of Karma states that the universe must remain in balance.

Let’s face it, without a law of balance, the universe would go unstable and fall apart!

The requirement for balance is built into every level of Creation, from its Divine root through all the cosmic, spiritual and physical levels. Human karmic patterns are stored at the soul level, which is the root of human consciousness.

Sometimes people ask, “Can you dodge karma?” The simple answer is, “Not a chance, no matter what anyone claims.” As one of the fundamental laws of the universe, Karma can never be circumvented because it is built into the energetic fabric of the universe.

However, there is a way to change your karmic pattern… Continue reading