How Conservatives Are Neutralized

Paul Rosenberg – Conservatives tend to be decent human beings and good neighbors. There are exceptions, of course, but those cluster around people who use conservatism as a cover for their sins. I’ll ignore those people for the rest of this post.

Conservatives tend to focus on principles… on right and wrong. This is generally a good thing, but it’s a problem for rulers, who want to use their power without being critiqued.

When a ruler behaves badly, some conservatives will fall away, but others will rise in opposition, and that opposition is often enough to make things difficult. And so, dealing with “care enough to suffer for it” conservatives, particularly in the US, is a problem rulers have to address. It disturbs their peculiar state of grace. Continue reading

‘Uneducated’: The Left’s Favorite Pejorative

uneducatedGavin Wax – It is no secret that leftists are big supporters of a politically correct culture.  They see no issue with constantly stifling the free speech of anyone who disagrees with the narrative of the mainstream.  They regularly clamp down on free speech in the name of protecting the sensibilities of all those who happen to disagree.

This policy has become so widespread on college campuses throughout the nation that it goes beyond merely condemning what people happen to say or feel, to physically placing the potential “victims” of your speech into so-called “safe spaces” in order to shield them from the dark and scary world of differing opinions.

Now we have a situation where students graduate with not only mounting debt and no discernible job skills, but also a juvenile fear of a different worldview being expressed to them.  These are the future leaders of our country, and their situation perfectly illustrates the madness of the modern regressive left. Continue reading

Evangelical Movement Aims To Move Away From Pro-Israel Stance [Video]

RT America  February 14 2014

There is a growing movement among evangelical Christians in the US that is moving away from what’s become the political norm associated with the religious group. It’s a shift away from a staunchly pro-Israel stance to a viewpoint that strengthens its alliance with Palestinians.


Evangelical leaders say, in addition to theological reasons, the trend can be attributed to dissolution with one-sided, pro-Israel rhetoric in conservative politics. RT correspondent Liz Wahl speaks to religious leaders and the Palestinian Ambassador about the movement and why it’s gaining traction with younger evangelicals.