Corporate Fascism, The Vatican and the 21st Century


Katherine Frisk – The Vatican is the prototype of a Corporate Fascist entity. It answers to nobody. It pays taxes to nobody. Its Bishops and priests have diplomatic immunity all over the world. It even has its own embassies. It owns more real estate than any other entity on the planet.

It was never about God, Jesus or Christianity, it is about power and control and “fashion statements. “

The Vatican has major shareholding in all the top corporations. Lockheed Martin and Bank of America being two examples.

But who and what is the Vatican really, behind their elected men dressed up in red Prada shoes ( The Devil wears Prada) , one of the biggest pedophile rings on the planet, money laundering, drug running entities and illegal arms trade industries in the world?

The Vatican is a front for the Black nobility of Europe, Zionist Bankers and the Wahhabi sect under the control of the Saudi Royal family.

It does not believe in Democracy and certainly not the framework of a Republic. It advocates monopolist, political tyranny, hegemony and a hierarchical framework where in their own courts they have trial by ordeal, not a free and fair trail with witnesses to speak on their behalf.

For the last 1,000 years, their goal has been to take over Russia, which has determinedly remained Orthodox Christian in spite of a communist invasion funded by Wall Street Bankers, and not succumbed to the dictatorship of the pope nor in their advocacy that the pope owns the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls. An Apostolic Church based on all twelve disciples, as opposed to Peter, who is the only person referred to in the Bible as Satan, is more in alignment with a Federation of States, a Republic and Democracy. Continue reading