Why America’s Healthcare (Sickcare) System Is Broken And Unfixable

“Large-scale rackets like sickcare cannot survive without a Central State that collects taxes and funnels the proceeds to the racketeers, who of course have bought political influence with their plundered profits. This is a self-reinforcing system that cannot be reformed in any meaningful way. It will bankrupt the nation and then we’ll have a chance to start over with an affordable, efficient, fair system that is focused on prevention and health rather than profiting from disease, fraud and lawsuits.” C H Smith

CharlesHughSmithCharles Hugh Smith – Here’s a two-word summary of why the American healthcare system is fundamentally broken and cannot be fixed with policy tweaks: perverse incentives.

If you type sickcare in the custom search box on this site, you get 10+ pages of articles. I have covered healthcare/sickcare in depth for many years.
 I have many correspondents within the sector (doctors and nurses), and have paid the unsubsidized costs of insurance as an employer or as a self-employed worker for 30+ years.

Here are two charts and three stories of many I’ve published over the years:


HealthcareCosts2 Continue reading