Why Russian Expert, CIA Advisor and DOJ Spouse Nellie Ohr Working for Fusion-GPS in 2015 Matters…

ohrSundance – Regardless of how far into the DOJ and FBI investigative network/timeline you get with the story it always circles back to the 2015/2016 abuse of the NSA and FBI database.  The origin of “spygate” or the myriad of downstream issues all come back to a network of government contractors who were exploiting their database access for political opposition research.  Not only is this a reality, it’s also where the deep swamp doesn’t want the focus.

Other than a few intrepid researchers who keep drawing attention to this issue, no-one within mainstream media -or even allied media- can touch this third-rail of intelligence corruption which lies at the heart of FISA abuse.   One of those intrepid truth-tellers, Jeff Carlson, draws attention to it again today [SEE HERE].    If President Trump wants to dismantle the deep state, declassifying the April 2017 FISC ruling IS the place to start.

(TheMarketsWork) – One of the bombshell admissions from a closed-door testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr was that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS already in late 2015. Continue reading

Strzok Fired, Likely Bruce Ohr is Next – False FISA Affidavits, Fraudulent 302s, Security Clearances Under Review…

Sundance – One of the outcomes of losing a security clearance is the inability to prepare for any testimony. When Sarah Sanders stated today that currently employed DOJ official Bruce Ohr was a person having a security clearance review; the logical takeaway is he will be fired after he delivers his testimony.

The media narrative surrounding FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s firing has been framed, almost exclusively, around his political text messages. Given the nature of the media participation in the events this is not surprising.  However, Strzok’s text messages have no bearing on his firing.

In March 2018 the DOJ Office of Inspector General announced an ongoing review of how the DOJ and FBI used FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) as a weaponized tool against their political opposition.

As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJ’s and FBI’s relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.  (pdf link) Continue reading