Message for March 2021

spaceSarah-Jane Grace – As the wheel of the year starts to turn once again, the longer days bring more than sunlight, they bring a sense of hope and optimism for a brighter future. Each of us are beginning to find our way through the darkness as we turn towards the sun within our hearts and souls. Just as a bulb bursts through the soil and starts to flower in the light, we are beginning to see the fruition arising from a long period of inner cultivation.

March is typically a time for a ‘Spring Clean’ as the longer days bring energy and motivation, and this year it seems important to expand this to all levels – from our living space to our thoughts, beliefs and ideas. It’s time to travel more lightly and to have more space within to rest in peace and creativity. Of course, it can be hard to let go of ideas and beliefs, even when they’re crumbling and turning to dust; it’s their familiarity that brings comfort, so letting them go can leave us feeling a little vulnerable and exposed.

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