Being You in 2022

loveHarold W. Becker – When we take a moment to gaze upon the brilliance of the stars, enjoy a beautiful flower radiating its essence, or bask in the smile of another, we are aligning with the very forces that create universes. This resonates naturally with who we are and why we feel the depths of infinite potential walking with us on our earthly adventure.

We are love made manifest and are here to delight in the journey of creation here on our magnificent planet. It is such a simple awareness when our hearts are open and our minds are calm. We are a willing ally, contributor and experiencer of life itself. Love unites everything in its cosmic dance of eternity. Continue reading

Crafting 3D Mind as Your Friend and Ally

5d shiftOpen – There’s a tendency not to speak too much of the 3D mind in terms of alignment with the 5D shift, other than letting go of identification with it. But the energy on earth and in society is terraforming strongly through the field, and we can craft the mind as a powerful ally within our creative endeavors. We must also guard against it becoming a surreptitious prison that unconsciously limits our progression.

Let’s inquire. Continue reading

Focus on What Needs to Be Cleared

Lions GateKate Spreckley – August is an energetically charged month where we are flooded with cosmic light that encourages transformation and the reclaiming of our inherent power as co-creators. There is a feeling of agitation that comes with this energy as new ideas, new creativity and new concepts clash with any preconceived ideas we have about ourselves, our purpose and our lives.

Be mindful that as reality shifts glimpses into new potentials and possibilities are offered and will reveal a way forward. Remember that this is a time of breakthroughs and breakdowns where we are offered the opportunity to become deeply conscious of that which stands in our way. Continue reading

Group Flow: When Groups Gain Access to a Mysterious Creativity

group flowSteve Taylor, Ph.D. – Flow is a state of intense absorption in which we lose awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. It arises when we focus our attention on a stimulating and challenging activity, creating a sense of well-being and giving rise to creativity. Most of us have certain hobbies that generate flow, such as playing music, dancing, reading, or gardening. If you’re lucky, you might have a job that regularly brings you flow. In this sense, flow is probably the most essential aspect of job satisfaction.

However, flow isn’t just an individual experience. In recent years, psychologists have become increasingly interested in the communal aspects of flow, sometimes referring to it as “group flow” or “social flow.” This is when the state of flow is shared by a group such as a sports team, a musical band, or a working group. Continue reading

The ‘chip’ in the brain, prior to all other chips

consciousnessJon Rappoport – Why isn’t every person acting as a shaper and artist of reality?

Why do people rearrange their pasts to omit that self-realization?

The ‘chip’ in the brain is: the non-creative.

The blind spot in the mindAdd New is the uncreative.

The false piece of consciousness is: ‘I don’t create.’

So-called Realists want people to pay total attention to What Is, and exclude all other impulses. This is their absurd game. They double down and triple down on it every day. Continue reading