Remember Who You Truly Are

remember who you areKenton David Bell – You are a thought. You are an idea. You are all that ever has been and ever will be. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the beginning and the end… and the beginning again and again.

When you begin to “see” yourself as the Creator you begin to see who you truly are. You begin to remember all that has come before and from this platform you begin to get a sense of what is to come next.

When we are in the Shift of Ages, as we are now, it gives us a glimpse, a window, into the other Shifts of Ages we have experienced in previous cycles. These are very unique moments in the 26,000 year cycles. One can begin to have a unique experience during these moments. It is as if you can “bend” or see the “bend” in the present time continuum as well as the past and future times of shift. It gives one a unique opportunity to actually see many of Creations’ Ages at once. Continue reading

Revise Reality to Experience Your Heart’s Desires

Creator deityAilia Mira –  “Many of you find yourselves wondering at times if you’re on track. If you’re actually living in such a way as to create the experience you wish to have. You wonder if it’s on its way, if it is really being manifest, if you’re allowing it, if you’re somehow in essence “doing it right.”

This need for validation and knowing is a very healthy thing. In essence, it’s a wonderful invitation: it calls you to develop your connection with your inner way of believing in something. It tells you that you want to have more confidence in your life and your ability to create it.

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Acknowledging Someone’s Power Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give Them

Jennifer HoffmanCreator deityThe human state or condition has access to the same level of power that exists within the higher dimensions of being. The achievement of any level of spiritual growth is not an opportunity to take on additional power because everything in the Universe has equal power as it all emanates from the same source. What changes with the increase in vibration is the connection to source, which also allows for a greater understanding of the self as divine and the awareness of power. So while additional power cannot be granted to anyone, power cannot be taken away either.

Those who appear to steal your power are able to convince you to give it to them, and you do so willingly. You do this when you think someone is incapable of being powerful, that they cannot manage their life, that they have less ability or opportunity than you do or that they can live your life more fully and powerfully with your power than you can. These people receive the gift of your power, which you volunteer with a loving heart, which they then take as their own. Now they have the benefit of their own power (which they always had) and yours too.

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How Can We Give And Receive, Even In Hard Economic Times?

How Can We Give And Receive, Even In Hard Economic Times?The Twelve – You have always had hard economic times. And you have always had prosperous economic times… an abundant supply of both. These “times” are no different than any others that you have ever had throughout your life experience. The difference now is that so many of your fellows are convinced that times are bad.

And if you’ll convince yourself that it just ain’t so, then you will begin to experience something completely different than the others are experiencing. And now you have something to give. When you, by changing your personal vibration to one of prosperity, growth, abundance, in spite of all the gloom and doom on the TV and radio, or even in spite of your personal circumstances, when you begin to demonstrate success in even the littlest way, you really have something to crow about. Continue reading

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap Bubble

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap BubbleJohn  Smallman – Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.

It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way.

Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion. Continue reading