The Disgrace of War

Paul Rosenberg –  Here’s a simple question. Give me the first answer that pops into your mind: What’s the purpose of the state?

Most people would probably answer, to keep us safe. I can argue that this isn’t the state’s true purpose (and I will, below), but it’s clearly its primary selling point.

And so, every war – and there are generally at least 20 of them under way at any point in time – is a screaming condemnation of the state. War is people dying; it is property being destroyed; it is market processes being torn apart. It’s the precise opposite of keeping people safe.

Yes, war is sold as “fighting bad guys elsewhere to keep us safe here,” but it’s boys and girls from here who must do the killing and dying… and there’s a whole lot of damage contained in just that.

Every war is a massive failure of the “keep people safe” system. For modern Americans, it means “your children will have their feet blown off” more than it does “your children will die,” but is that okay? Is that, somehow, “not a failure”?

A Small War Is Worth 30,000 Crimes

CrimeWar is “unsafeness” on a huge, gigantic scale. Just a small war – perhaps like the invasion of Panama by the US in 1989 – is far worse than garden-variety crime. And Panama, we should note, is a very long way from an enemy of the US… and certainly no threat to Americans.

That little Panamanian war lasted only about a month, including the occupation, and resulted in “only” about a thousand deaths[1] and an unknown (but almost certainly much larger) number of wounded. And as you can see from the photo below, a large amount of property damage.

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Changes Made In Sentencing Drug Offenders in the Past Few Years

drugIn the last couple of years, the US has seen a big shift in policies and laws that pertain to illegal substances. With the legalization of medical marijuana in several states, and the permissible use of the drug for recreation being allowed in Colorado and Washington, there has been pressure on the government to balance out some the discrepancies found in the sentencing laws of other drugs.

Under the Obama administration there has been massive changes in two laws that affect drug offenders throughout the country.

1. The Fair Sentencing Act

In the 1980’s there was a remarkable increase in the amount of crack cocaine use, as well as a rise in the statistics of violent crime in cities. This prompted the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (source), which was introduced to create harsher sentencing laws for crack cocaine offenders.

These new laws created extreme differences in the sentencing of crack cocaine offenders and those involved in cocaine powder busts. In what became known as the 100:1 disparity, offenders involved with crack cocaine received the minimum mandatory sentence for 100 times less the amount of drug they were busted with when compared with those caught with cocaine powder. Continue reading

Criminal Acts of Presidents and Prime Ministers Wiped Clean with Each Election

westernJason Liosatos – Every time a presidency, prime ministership or government in the West changes hands, it seems as though all of the previous acts of murder and corruption are wiped clean.

Amnesia prevails, and there is a forgetting of the previous criminal activities and crimes against humanity. The change in leadership has the effect of sweeping under the rug the war crimes, lies, deceptions, and other illegal and immoral acts of the previous regime, whose members depart in good standing as if they are innocent of any crimes. We even have the temerity of former UK prime minister Tony Blair, who enabled the destruction of Iraq, being appointed Middle East Peace Envoy.

Tony Blair, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Nicolas Sarkozy, Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton have walked away, and now David Cameron, Obama, Merkel and Hollande are walking away from mass murders and unspeakable damage to people, cultures and the planet without a trial or any accountability.

In contrast, Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi were murdered without a trial on the basis of propagandistic assertions. This must change, and the Western criminals must be held accountable for their outrageous crimes.

Ratklo Mladic the Bosnian Serb army chief was thrown in prison for defending his country from dissolution and military attack. But Western politicians, who polluted the Middle East with depleted uranium, creating birth defects, cancers and infertility there for many years to come, while murdering one million people and destroying a country, have never had to answer for a single death. Continue reading

Peaceful Tactics For Taking Down The Police State

“The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon

nullification John W. Whitehead – Saddled with a corporate media that marches in lockstep with the government, elected officials who dance to the tune of their corporate benefactors, and a court system that serves to maintain order rather than mete out justice, Americans often feel as if they have no voice, no authority and no recourse when it comes to holding government officials accountable and combating rampant corruption and injustice.

We’re impotent in the face of SWAT teams that break down doors and leave toddlers scarred for life. We’re helpless to prevent police shootings that leave unarmed citizens dead for no other reason than the police officer involved felt “threatened.” We shrug dismissively over the plight of fellow citizens who have their heads cracked, their bodies broken and their rights violated for failing to jump to attention when a police officer issues an order. And we fail to care about the thousands of individuals who have been punished with extreme sentences for nonviolent offenses and are forced to spend their lives as modern-day slaves in bondage to private prisons and the profit-driven corporations they serve.

Make no mistake about it: virtually anything and everything is a crime nowadays (feeding the birds, growing vegetables in your front yard, etc.) to such an extent that if a prosecutor, police officer and judge were so inclined, you could be locked up for any inane reason.

This is tyranny dressed up in the official garb of the police state. It is the self-righteous, heavy-handed arm of the law being used as a decoy to divert your attention to the so-called criminals in your midst (the fisherman who threw back small fish into the ocean, the mother who let her child walk to the playground alone, the pastor holding Bible studies in his backyard) so that you don’t focus on the criminal behavior being perpetrated by the government (bribery, cronyism, electoral fraud, slush funds, graft, pork, theft, and on and on). Continue reading

Big Pharma and Organized Crime — They are More Similar Than You May Think

It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry … ~ former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals ¹

medicalCarolanne Wright – If you believe  pharmaceutical corporations hold the health of the general public in high regard, it’s time to reconsider. The industry is filled with examples of wrongful death, extortion, fraud, corruption, obstruction of justice, embezzlement, fake journals, harassment and hit lists that would make even the most hardened Mafia godfather blush. Big Pharma has been fined billions by the U.S. Department of Justice, but these enormous fines don’t curb the corruption, it’s just looked upon as “the cost of doing business,” similar to paying the utilities.

As a physician and researcher, Peter C Gøtzsche has firsthand experience with the criminality behind the pharmaceutical industry — and subsequently exposed the massive fraud in “Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare.

Dangerous Science

Dr. Gøtzsche has an impressive clinical background, as noted by The Nordic Cochrane Center — a not-for-profit organization that produces credible, accessible health information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other conflicts of interest:

Professor Peter C Gøtzsche graduated as a Master of Science in biology and chemistry in 1974 and as a physician 1984. He is a specialist in internal medicine; worked with clinical trials and regulatory affairs in the drug industry 1975-1983, and at hospitals in Copenhagen 1984-95. With about 80 others, he helped start The Cochrane Collaboration in 1993 with the founder, Sir Iain Chalmers, and established The Nordic Cochrane Centre the same year. He became professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis in 2010 at the University of Copenhagen. Continue reading