Charles Ortel: Pardons Won’t Save Clintons From Clinton Foundation Crimes [Video]

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, respected former value investor on Wall St and one of the top forensic accountants on Wall St, Charles Ortel

Charles was warning people about accounting problems in GE, GM and the large Wall St banks well in advance of the 2008 financial crisis and his warnings proved prescient. Charles has been on a long and time consuming crusade for the truth about the Clinton Foundation and exposing the “largest ever charity fraud” in world history in excess of $100 billion.

During this 50+ minute interview, Jason starts off by asking Charles about the news today how Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said that the Trump administration won’t pursue additional investigations about the Clinton private email server/Clinton Foundation.

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Clintons Begging Trump To Stop Investigation of Hillary Through Chelsea [Video]

Alex Jones breaks down the desperate attempt by the Clinton’s to convince Donald Trump not to prosecute Hillary by using Chelsea for sympathy. If Donald Trump truly wants to drain the swamp in Washington he must make an example out of this evil corrupt family and send a clear message that he is here to bring about real change.

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SF Source The Alex Jones Channel Nov. 2016

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Clinton Foundation Operates as Giant Slush Fund for Buying Influence

ortelWASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Charles Ortel is a veteran Wall Street investment analyst who has carried out major studies into the operation of the Clinton Foundation and its legal status, and runs a blog monitoring its activities. Ortel was the whistleblower that blew the lid off the General Electric financial discrepancies in 2008.

“The Clinton Foundation has been a gigantic slush fund,” Ortel said. “People can donate relatively small sums to the Clinton regime and get gigantic concessions worth hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars back.”

During the four years that Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, hundreds of millions of dollars flowed into the Clinton Foundation from governments around the world, many of which then enjoyed favored treatment from the US State Department, Ortel noted.

“To the world at large, the Clintons are open for business,” he stated.

The US corporate media always refused to subject the Clinton Foundation to any kind of serious or skeptical coverage, in part because of fear of alienating the Clintons, Ortel explained.

“This is such a big story that the US press is not doing its job. What we have in ‘Clinton Incorporated,’ is Tammany Hall on steroids,” he said.

Tammany Hall was the corrupt Democratic political organization that ran New York City for most of a century after the 1861-65 Civil War.

“If you are in the US press, you have got to have access to the president of the United States and the federal government… I have little confidence that the US media would do the work necessary in investigating the workings of the Clinton Foundation as our media is in thrall to the Clintons,” Ortel added.

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Clinton Foundation Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud in History [w/ Video]

OrtelGreg Hunter – Wall Street financial expert Charles Ortel claims the Clinton Foundation is the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud in world history.” He also says this global fraud could not be pulled off without a lot of help.

Ortel explains, “I think this is an example of a vast left-wing conspiracy.  If you go back into the history, the Clintons always like to expose the things that go down for their credit, and they always try to hide the stuff that doesn’t make them look so good.  When you go back into the history of the Clintons, Bill and Hillary, and now Chelsea, have been monetizing government service.  They have been operating as Robin Hood in reverse.  Stealing from the poor to reward their rich cronies. . . .

I think what you have here is a case study on the proponents of the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party, and they tend to be left-leaning, how these people got together and figured out a charity where foreigners can give unlimited amounts of money, and U.S. players can give unlimited amounts of tax deductible money to an entity.  This could be a preferred vehicle for strengthening the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party and Clinton interests around the world.”

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Clinton Foundation is Robin Hood in Reverse [w/ Video]

OrtelGreg Hunter – Financial expert Charles Ortel says “The Clinton Foundation is the biggest charity frauds in history.” Ortel, who does high powered research for top Wall Street investment firms, applied his skills to analyzing the Clinton Foundation and contends, “I feel one of the things that makes this country exceptional is the charitable spirit. . . . Charity is a noble thing, particularly when you do it for no recompense.  The Clintons are out there holding themselves out as if they are charitable philanthropists, and in reality. . . . I argue they are really Robin Hood in reverse.  They are stealing from the poor to reward the rich, and I find that reprehensible behavior.”

How much money has the Clinton Foundation raised globally? Ortel says it’s a “$100 billion criminal conspiracy” and goes on to say, “I think it is a disgrace.  To put that number into perspective, depending on how you look at the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme, that was either $40 billion to $60 billion.  This is $100 billion, and maybe more.”

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