The Greatest Mystery, Controversy, And Cover-Up Ever

“There are positive beings in our universe that are far more powerful than the dark forces that control the governments of earth.” – J S Williams

Whenever there is a truth so powerful that it could derail the overall controlling paradigm, the Controllers first try to shroud that factuality with mystery.

CropCircle_ChautauquaThe corporate media immediately begins to tell us that such a truth is impossible, so the truth is not a truth, but a hoax. All mainstream reporting is centered around not proving the truth, but “proving” the hoax with distortions and out-right lies. Lies, however, told long enough began to sound much like truth; but they are still lies – lies many of us will swear by.

So now the stage is set for the long and fiercely contested dispute: Truth versus Hoax – which of course is controversy.

A controversy is the Controllers’ method of buying time. Somewhat exciting at first, a controversy eventually loses its steam and becomes old hat. And old hat means uninteresting, or at least tritely familiar; but in any case, not worth pursuing.

And that is how those who would enslave us have used mystery and controversy to neuter and cover-up the greatest truth man has yet been exposed to.

Please note: once I have divulged this all-important but castrated truth, you will, I hope, perceive how the Controllers have deceived you.

Are you ready for this crucial truth? Continue reading

Chautauqua ~ 2014 Crop Circle Gallery


In keeping with recent years; this season’s crop circle activity has taken a marked departure from the formations we’ve grown accustomed to seeing in past seasons.  Rather than 3D crop circles with jaw-dropping sophisticated geometry; we are instead seeing repetitive patterns and variations on a theme.  In total we find five types of repeated patterns in this years formations; the most frequent being the seed of life ellipses, and concentric rings.  Based in sacred geometry and the Vesica Piscis, the seed of life is the basic mathematical foundation of the Flower of Life; and is a familiar crop circle pattern.  The other repetitive patterns this season are the crescent moon, star design, and spirals.

Another change is the increased instances of farmers cutting out crop circles on their property as soon as they are discovered.  This is primarily done to prevent even further crop damage done by dozens or even hundreds of people flocking to visit the latest event.

What Do They Mean

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SF Source AugureyeExpress  August 20 2014