Planting the Seeds of Light

Steve Rother

I am the Keeper of Time. I have come to share with you that you are in a magical moment in time. In truth, you have specifically chosen to be in a situation that can be very challenging for most. Yet here you are. Some of you are trying to figure out exactly what happened. You do not re-member agreeing to all this. You wonder if someone pushed you into this lifetime, then somehow you woke up in a human body trying to figure out what you were doing on planet Earth.

Well, let us tell you. You are not here by accident. Soon you will understand more about this energy and what is taking place on planet Earth.  The largest plans of all beings everywhere are now starting to come together, so quite simply that is what is happening. Do not think that you are going through this alone. You are spirits playing a game on a very strange planet. Although you have fallen very much in love with the beauty of planet Earth, know that you are not completely of Earth. you are here specifically to make a change that we are here to help you with. We are not here  to show you which way to turn or to open doors for you, but instead to re-mind you that you already know the way Home.

You Already Know the Way Home

You must simply find your way out of the humanness that you are dealing with right now. That is all that is truly necessary. Every one  of you can step up to take the next level in the incarnation that you are currently in. Even though there is great change ahead on planet Earth for all of its inhabitants, we also tell you, just wait until you see what is coming. Continue reading

3 Crystals for These Transformative Times

TourmalineAdrienne Goff – Buckle up, and open your heart! This entire year has felt like a lesson in energetic acceleration and intensity, as our physical bodies are adjusting to progressively higher frequencies of light. And we are just getting started. September brings us two eclipses (one on September 1st and the other on the 16th), the equinox on September 22nd, and the 9-9-9 portal–not to mention that we are in Mercury retrograde for most of the month. Eclipses are always times of big shake-up, reset, and expanded dimensional receptivity.

The fall equinox imprints us with the energetic theme of balance and encourages us to clear and release the old. It is also a time in which the veils are thinner and our psychic senses are heightened. September 9th is a power date that marks a major personal and planetary completion–a time of wrapping up old business and aligning with a brand new cycle.

So if you are waiting for things to calm down, you might be out of luck. We are in the midst of the ascension process, and it looks like the beautiful Universe will continue to move us along by showering us with ever-increasing levels of light.

Welcome to the new normal! Take a deep breath, and feel this truth in your heart: You came here to rock this cosmic opportunity and to be a part of the change–and you are doing better than you might think! You are growing and contributing to the collective in beautiful ways through all of your experiences.

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Four Crystals for Empaths and Sensitive Souls

Adrienne Goff – Being an empath is a beautiful gift and a spiritual superpower, although it might not always feel like it. An empath is somebody who is able to feel the emotions, the energy, and even the physical pain of others. They tend to have a heart of gold and a highly developed intuitive sense. This heightened level of sensitivity and perception can make an empath shine as a healer, a counselor, or in any helping profession. Literally feeling what others are experiencing can guide you in how to best assist them. Perhaps that’s why so many people are drawn to empaths!

A challenge for empaths is to learn to distinguish which emotions, pains, and thoughts belong to others, and which are their own. Protection is key for empaths to help them avoid becoming overwhelmed and drained. It is also helpful for them to have skills and tools to release negative energy and emotions they may have picked up. As the cosmic and planetary energies continue to intensify, the need for empaths to practice good self-care becomes even more important. Thankfully, there are four powerful crystals that provide perfect support for empaths and sensitive souls.

1.  Sugilite

empathsSugilite is a godsend for sensitives who are on their spiritual path due to its ability to protect, purify, awaken, and ground. It can come in various shades of purple, and some specimens contain spots of black, grey, or white. Sugilite is a shielding stone that forms an impermeable bubble of protection around you. Its protective quality keeps you safe from intrusive or disharmonious energy, negative emotions, and lower thought-forms from others or from your environment.

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The Crystals Speak – June 2015

The Gap Narrows

crystalsEmmanuel Dagher – In the past few weeks, a resurgence of light frequency from the celestial skies has been pouring into every single corner of the planet. This light has also been pouring into our biomagnetic sheath (auric field), body, and mind.

For a while, it appeared as though the two worlds (the world of Unity/Oneness and the world of fear/lack that have operated in the context of duality) were headed in completely different directions, creating a large gap between them.

This was creating a kind of anxiety and sadness in many sensitives and empaths, who felt as though they had to leave behind many of the people, places, and things they had grown to care for, and formed bonds and connections with.

A few months ago, many of us even went through a deep cleansing and grieving period, as a result of releasing many of the people, places, and experiences still choosing to operate in a world of fear and lack.

Well, the recent resurgence of light that has been pouring into our planet is a direct answer to the yearning of many wayshowers’ prayers, to not have to leave behind the people and things that may not have chosen yet to awaken to their greatest Self.

The reason why we as empaths have a kind of yearning to remain connected to the people and things that may not be fully awakened to their greatest Self, is because at our core . . . we have a resilient faith that they eventually will.

It’s that part of us that just doesn’t give up on anyone or anything, even if the world around that person seems like it has.

Our Divine Will has summoned a narrowing of the gap, so that no one and nothing gets left behind.

I know that at first, that sounds like a tall order. However, the amount of light pouring in at this time is a clear confirmation that it is happening.

It’s easy for any group of people who gather in community to deem themselves as more enlightened than any other group. But we’ve seen every attempt at that model fail, because it is very much based in judgment. Continue reading

Is Science Finally Catching Up To What the Ancients Knew About Crystals?

Kelly Neff – Despite the plethora of anecdotal evidence that exists on the healing powers of stones and crystals, the debate continues to rage in the scientific community over whether crystals actually have any real healing power. For example, a basic internet search reveals many articles claiming crystal healing to be pseudoscience. In fact, one recent study argues that crystals have absolutely no healing power and that the placebo effect accounts for people’s healing experiences with them.


As a trained research scientist, I am naturally critical and curious about everything in my life. Despite having a fascination with rocks and crystals in childhood, I forgot about them and was drawn away from them during my time in school and doctoral training. Then in my late 20?s, during a highly tumultuous time in my life, I began meditating, and during my meditations I began to see visions of crystals. I didn’t know why, but I wanted to touch them and hold them. But I brushed it aside, still new to listening to my intuition, and figured I was just having random hallucinations.

About six months later my boyfriend Jimmy Ohm took me to a crystal healing course taught by a Reiki Master, Thao Le, who walked us through a bunch of different stones, allowing us to hold them and perceive their energies. In what was very much a “blind” experiment, I found that even with my eyes closed, I could feel how each stone was different, and how it resonated and vibrated in my hand. I felt something real that I could not explain or ignore. Continue reading