Luciferian globalists exploiting COVID for ‘Great Reset’

pandemicArt Moore – Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former papal ambassador to the United States, continued his criticism of the globalist “Great Reset,” warning in a new speech that corrupt civil and church authorities have joined forces to exploit the coronavirus pandemic in their quest to bolster global sovereignty.

He made it clear whose side he believes the authorities are on.

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Former Pfizer VP: They’re Going to Kill You and Your Family [Video]

Michael Yeadon, CV19 vaccinesAlexandra Bruce – Like some other Catholic publishers, such as The RemnantLife Site News has been putting out some of the most vital and important information during this Unrestricted World War that we are now in.

In a recent Life Site News interview by Patrick Delaney, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, Dr Michael Yeadon, who just retired told him point-blank, “Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.”

And why would the government be lying about something so fundamental? “Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.” Continue reading

New Lancet Article Suggests 50-75% of “Positive” PCR Tests Are Not Infectious People

PCRArjun Walia – PCR testing (polymerase chain reaction testing) has come under fire from numerous doctors, scientists, politicians and journalists since the beginning of this pandemic. Not everyone would know this if their only source of information was mainstream media however, as they’ve chosen not to cover the controversy surrounding it. This is not to say that PCR testing hasn’t been praised as a useful tool to determine a covid infection, but again, there are great causes for concern that aren’t really being addressed.

As far back as 2007, Gina Kolata published an article in the New York Times about how declaring pandemics based on PCR testing can end in a disaster. The article was titled Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.  In July, professor Carl Heneghan, director for the centre of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University, an outspoken critic of the current UK response to the pandemic, wrote a piece titled “How many Covid diagnoses are false positives?” He has argued that the proportion of positive tests that are false in the UK could also be as high as 50%. Continue reading

Botanical Plants and Supplements Against Coronavirus


Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD – In recent weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has dominated the news at the expense of everything else that is critical and urgent in our lives. As panic increases and more cases are reported daily, health-minded people are eager or even desperate to know whether there are ways to strengthen the body’s immune system to offer some protection from this specific upper respiratory infection.

There are six known strains of coronavirus, four which are associated with the common cold or moderate respiratory infections. Everyone has likely had a coronavirus infection at some time in their lives. However, two strains — Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) — are more severe. Between the years 2002-2004 and 2014-2018 these strains respectively were observed to be lethal. Continue reading